
Now he's been strangled by the father and the son-nephew.

Believable characterizations have always been this shows weak point (with some notable exceptions). I like this show and I love the first three books (and like the last two) but yeah, this isn't a great show IMO. On the other hand, it's a huge world and story and there is limited time and money, so I give a lot of it

In the books there is not much Valyrian steel. Not every lord has one, only the more important houses really. I think there's just a couple hundred swords in all of Westeros actually and no armor. Don't know if Dragonglass kills the wights but I'd imagine so - as they are only animated by the power of the Walkers and

I agree it's probably not spoiling his plans, except for the ending of course, which I expect will be much the same. That is, if he ever writes to an ending, which I unfortunately doubt. And now I'm depressed.

Interesting. Makes sense.

Sam's great attributes have always been decency, a sense of humor and, oh yeah, not being a complete idiot like most of the other characters.

Sam - "I've got a cure for you Ser Jorah!"
Jorah - "Which is?"
Sam - "Have you ever peeled off a scab?"

"As hand of the Queen, I advise that we pursue a strategy of divide and conquer."
-Someone needs to tell Tyrion that strategy does not mean what he thinks it means.

Upvoted for the scheme modifiers.

I don't know what's more unbelievable: no pre-meeting or that she'd be constantly and publicly undermining him at every turn. It is a narrative time saver though.

All she needs is a few bangalores up there.

A murderous distinction but a clear one. Hadn't really thought of it that way. Still blowing hundreds of people up and simultaneously holding the belief that only you and your brother matter in the world has got be the beginning of a slippery slope. She'll try to pull a Mad King if (when) she realizes she won't be

I can only hope that when those southern Asian indentured servants are moving concrete around in the hot Arabian sun, wondering if their employer will ever give them their passport back so they can go home after years of being paid less than they were promised, that they also take time to mind that first step, cuz

I picked up The Guns of the South while I was traveling in China (and was looking for a book in English to read). Admittedly I didn't finish it. However, I do not think it was badly written at all, the level of detail about the time period (whether correct or not) was memorable. Doesn't Turtledove have a PhD in

That's historical fiction. And when it's done well, it's usually the best way to begin to learn about actual history imo.

Yeah, I'm viscerally repelled by the lazy nothingness of it. Sure the Macarena was silly and annoying but at least it was a dance.

My ninth grade English class told me it was "so old" last year. So thank God for small mercies.

Turning against his sister and saving a lot of lives is though.

True enough. Different timing. I get that they needed to keep Jaime in the action after they removed Lady Stoneheart from the equation. Though I would have rather seen the Riverlands plot fleshed out for two seasons than having sent him to Dorne. Regardless, now he has nowhere to go (guess he could renounce the

"How do you go light on a Tommy Wiseau impression?" Exactly.