
The more I think about it I think it's actually more believable that he would leave here her after he finds out she committed mass murder (particularly since he stopped the mad King from doing something similar in the past). Granted show Jaime is far more in her sway than book Jaime was (though why show Jaime is that

Ah. True.

Ha ha ha!

Yeah, in the books Cersei could be poised to re-take power for a while (she's out of jail, Kevan was just assassinated, she has Sir Robert Strong) but Jaime has already moved on (and is now in the hands of Brienne/Lady Stoneheart). Still, in the show he is the head of House Lannister right? She needs him a lot more

The Faceless men's magic is definitely tied to the Many Faced God (aka The Stranger in the Faith of the Seven).

Except book Jaime clearly abandons his sister at the end of Feast. (He throws away her letter he receives at Riverrun where she pleas for his help). That move felt right and true to his character arc of redemption and the show has definitely stalled and muddied that.

I think it may have been heavily implied by Tarly way back in Season One where he says that he hopes the Wall is high enough to hold out the White Walkers, should they come again.

Ah. Thanks.

I read your GOT reviews Mr. McNutt. Well written.

It's also a pretty stupid position to take for a group of people who are supposed to be you know, useful. Never thought of maesters as well-educated nihilists. At least he gave Sam the keys to the vault.

That's a great name.

"The Wall has stood through it all." - Archmaester Autopsy

Thank you.

He's also got his facts wrong. The Wall was built after the long night and because of it. Some keeper of memories.

Wasn't that a Lannister lion banner she pulled down at the end there? So I guess that means the Lannisters showed back up again after Stannis left, but then left the highly strategic castle abandoned (even a token force could have held that castle from anything but dragons). This shit makes no sense. In the books

Well, they were regular Lannister soldiers (not nut jobs like the Mountain's sworn men) and the armies haven't been actively fighting for some time. If atrocities are going to occur it's because that's your specialty (Mountain and crew) or because prolonged war leads to moral degeneration. These guys were just young

Oh yeah, that's a good one. Big miss for sure.

It was a definite improvement of the shabby, hung over looking uncle Urine of last season. Still not the mad Prince of Darkness Euron from the books but better dialogue, better clothes.

He thought he was going to study at the Citadel, not the Shitadel! Hoooo!

Well, he did sign a whole bunch of benchmark environmental legislation and I seem to remember that he was in favor of a government health service at one point but I could be wrong. If I'm remembering that correctly, that would place him to the left of some current Dems for sure.