
When the A.V. club gives a GOT episode a B, you know it's bad.

Forgot about Aerys and his wife both being Targs. Now I'm going to have to look up Ptolmeic eyes and Hapsburg chins :)

If such a marriage happened no one would object for the reason that Dany and Jon would have presumably saved the entire world at that point and any lingering concerns about Jon's royal bastardy would no doubt be completely ignored. Plus, his wife has dragons (assuming they are still alive in this scenario). Also -

Liked the double entendre of Dany's line: "The world said there were no more dragons and yet there they are."

Fair enough. The show is strangely even grimmer about human nature than my memories of the books are.

Ha. Forgot about that.

I think the Greeks used triremes that had bronzed bows for ramming other ships. But setting another ship on fire and then ramming it? Well, that's just beyond ridiculous. And fire and the danger they cause to ships were a big part of Battle of the Blackwater. But that was wildfire, looks like regular old fire is

Well, there's a reason GRRM didn't write this love affair into the books and that reason being because it's more than a little stupid.

I did not know that about Mary Tudor and had kind of forgotten it about Queen Isabella. Thank you.

"General fatigue with the show" pretty much sums it up.

I actually agree with you. Characterization in the books is great. It was pretty good to great for the first three or four seasons of the show too and then it kind of went to hell.

Did Dany and crew know that Euron was at KL? I can't remember. And yeah, like you say it made zero sense for the Dornish to get a super out of the way boat ride when they could have just cruised up the Prince's Path or the Boneway right into the Reach/KL. Dangerous to travel by ship when you don't have to. As far as

And participated in murdering another kid.

Euron had to be shown how dangerous he is because they need a new villain for this season. The Sand Snakes are disposable because they are they lame. Problem is I think Euron's a pretty lame villain too (though improved from last season). Yara's always been a thinly drawn character and Ellaria comes across a

"Ever seen a grown man naked?"

True. Though why she didn't tell him that she had the whole army of the Vale coming is just more evidence that the writers have no respect for the intelligence of their audience. I mean seriously, why wouldn't she have told Jon? She had to have known they were coming - the battle was the next friggin day and she was

Tyene. (Had to look up her name) She's got Raphael's daggers. But really, all three are pretty rude and none are cool.

The Sand Snakes: the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of Westeros. Which makes Ellaria Splinter I guess.

Good point about the lack of adolescence in the Middle Ages. Ok, I can enjoy Lyanna Mormont again. Thanks for that!

My advice: don't look into the Dornish plot abyss, because it may look back into you.