
I think she is largely seen as a quitter because of it. No one respected that move. No one I know really has thought about her (or at least hasn't talked about her) for a long time. Some other posters who have lived here mentioned that Alaska's draw is Alaska itself. This is true. You don't move here because you

As an Alaskan I can assure you that red, blue or independent, most of us think she's not an authentic human being either. She rode to the governor's office on a tide against a very unpopular establishment Republican governor. She was fairly popular up here for a short time. Then McCain's people decided they needed a

Agreed. For some reason this album always seems like it's underappreciated. Like it gets skipped between the War/Joshua Tree appreciation and then Zooropa. Personally Zooropa never stuck with me but Achtung blew me away when it came out as I started high school. It still does: one of the best albums ever.

The further you go back into Middle-Earth history the more alien everything gets but I think Beren (Beren and Luthien) is a player in the fall of Gondolin. So there you have a human hook into the super weird world of the last great kingdom of the elves and the story of it's fall. I'm on board - I think it's even more

Do it Jackson! A story worthy of another trilogy…unlike say, the lovely, but rather tidy story of The Hobbit.

It would be pretty cool to see Valyria's war against the water folk of the Rhoyne, the flight to Dorne and the founding of Bravos. Then end with the Doom and the flight of the Targaryens to Dragonstone. Which would nicely set up the next spin off - Aegon's conquest some years later. Mo money, mo money, mo money!

Elendil arriving on Middle Earth and the first war against Sauron would be super sweet.

Yeah, France (maybe U.K too) definitely led the way in Libya. But on our side of the pond, Hillary was the Libya intervention's greatest cheerleader. It's also questionable to me whether our other NATO allies would have proceeded without us.

Johnny from The Room, is that you?!

The Wikileaks emails (that one is particularly damning) have been nothing less than amazing. And if she were running against anyone but Trump these reveals would have crushed her. Hey, the fact that we feel we have to ignore them to keep a wacko like Trump out of office is actually a pretty sad reality for our

I'm into peace when it's possible and I find Clinton's recent record to be more than disquieting on that front. It can be argued strongly that the invasion of Libya never would have happened without her. It's even a stronger case to say that the U.S. wouldn't have been a party to it without her support. She was the

Having visited both Israel and Gaza and having followed events there for the last 20 years, my sympathies still come down on the side of the Palestinians. How could it not? Gazans inhabit a land that is third world compared to what lies over the wall (it was pretty third world when I visited in 1998 and has reportedly

I'd like to imagine a Die Hard where McLane channels Lloyd Bridges character from airplane: "I picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue!"

In that respect, he’s the model for later Saturday Night Live alum Jimmy Fallon (though Carvey’s hammy adorableness came yoked with a lot more performing discipline and professionalism).

Ahhh, hell Chew-backa!

I read an interesting take on that argument. Basically, it was that Tall knew that they needed to win the battle of Guadalcanal and was prepared to sacrifice some of his soldiers lives to keep the offensive. Staros also knew that order for an uphill frontal assault would kill his men. Staros was looking after his

"Now don't give me any of that guard house lawyer crap!"

Yeah, LD didn't have much to work with. He was a one note character for sure. He had motivation to live…for revenge, and I get that he was so intense the entire time because of everything that was going on but the flashbacks/Herzogian dream sequences should have been used to actually show us a real person. Not his

He helped Wang shake the pillars of heaven a few times.

And fast. Time is money to a guy like him.