Can somebody, I don't care who, tell me what's going on (about this remake)!?
Can somebody, I don't care who, tell me what's going on (about this remake)!?
Someone recently wrote that if HRC didn't exist the oligarchy would have to create her. She is a corrupt, impossibly triangulated, habitual liar who is on the wrong side of financial regulation, trade, 4th Amendment protections and foreign policy (she's probably the primary responsible party for the destruction of a…
I totally agree actually. Although I've never read a Stephen King book that grabbed me nearly as much as ASOIAF, the fact remains is that he has put out some good stuff and he admittedly writes a lot (every day?) If King halved his output, his quality would probably improve and he'd still outproduce Martin in…
If memory serves he also had a major head start on Dance. I believe the story as he tells it is that Feast became this gigantic novel and he had to cut out a great many chapters, do some re-arranging, etc to make it a publishable length. That end product became Feast. Apparently, what was left out of Feast later…
Stephen King! Is that you?
When I lived in Salem, Oregon I had a thought one day that Salem resembled what a town would look like if the USSR had designed an 'American town' for KGB mole training purposes. (There was a Travolta movie that used this conceit). Everything in Salem was perfectly generic, even down to the Ram - a franchise…
Nailed it.
Gibson was a great Hamlet too. The guy has a good mix of charisma, intelligence and yes: crazy.
I don't recall any erotic subtext to the climactic (oh - ok maybe there!) battle between Riggs and Joshua. I just don't think the busted hydrant cuts it. Riggs was absolutely feral with anger during the whole fight.
Ya know, this Malick guy might think about taking a nature photography class. I think he has some potential!
Fair enough. Still seems a little clinical though to be in a monagomous intimate relationship and to not feel a thing for the other person. And I don't know how much the Iron throne has ever meant to her since she came to Slaver's Bay. I mean, she had the opportunity to sail to Westeros right after coming to Mereen…
Tis true. And I totally missed those Martell and Tyrell banners. But yeah, the show only has so much time left, so I've basically just understood that when Theon and Yara are on Pyke in one episode, in Volantis the next and in Mereeen in the third, a whole bunch of time has passed. And storylines aren't…
Yeah, I liked Addy as Robert, but it was hard to believe that he was once the physical beast that book Robert was supposed to have been. Robert was a guy who loved fighting. I think somewhere in the book someone said that Robert would have made a good Dothraki. They really needed to fill that role with an actor with…
I think the answer is something along the lines of: a realistic amount of time in the books, a somewhat realistic amount of time in earlier seasons of the show, and, as much time as takes Varys to shave his head now.
Nicely summarized but Lyanna's death didn't kick of Robert's Rebellion…the Rebellion was kicked off way before that and really because of Jon's parents…
The only people who will get to worry about starving to death will be those the Walkers don't slaughter. This winter is supposed to be the worst in 1000 years and I'm sure will come all the way to Dorne…and bring the Walkers with it.
So Dany feels nothing for Daario, or at least nothing by leaving him. So what does that say about her character, and implications for the future, if anything?
You can be a deep, nuanced and rigorous thinker without being an "artist." On the other hand, you can create great "art" but have poor reasoning and critical thinking skills. A few people have both. Watch even a minute or two of conservative English representative to the EU, Daniel Hannan, give this pro Brexit…
Maybe one day they'll have a flashback scene to Jon's childhood, where Bran will see how a very young and wheezing Jon had to be feverishly hustled out of his chain-mail in the practice yard by an alarmed Ser Rodrik: yes, Jon Snow tragically developed a anaphylactic response to wearing armor as a boy. That's the…
Upvoted for a The Last Kingdom shout out.