Well argued.
Well argued.
The kid is a great motivator for Edmure and is a noble motivation, but saving his men is a more noble motivation as he is their Lord and they are his responsibility. And it might go without saying for you that Jaime has enough men to storm the castle, but I don't think the show made that very clear. Jaime seemed…
Two things:
(1) That had to be the fastest and most miraculous recovery from a major stomach wound ever. Totally ridiculous.
(2) If Jaime had explained to Edmure that he had more than enough men (Tully bannermen, Freys and his own soldiers) to take the Castle by direct attack and that Edmure would therefore be saving…
It's a long shot but I wonder if Lyanna's talk about all the Bear Island warriors being worth ten regular men is actually foreshadowing some of that alleged Moremont bear skin changing power. It would be crazy (maybe ridiculous) but crazy if all the Bear island warriors just transformed to bears in the middle of the…
I do remember the end being a bit cheezy with death ray eyed zombie Deadpool. Could have been even worse than my memory though - it's been awhile.
I grew up collecting the (Chris Claremont?) - whatever the late 80's and early 90's Wolverine flagship comic was. I never read much X-men, but any comic from the past or present that featured Wolverine, I sought out. I haven't read a new Wolverine comic in years. The last time I read anything new was probably 1994…
I've never understood the loathing for the first Wolverine movie. I thought it was good. Not just pretty good, though not groundbreaking either. But a straight up good comic book movie that was authentic to the character of Wolverine. Is it just something that critics hate or is there a big public hate contingent…
I can't speak as to the rest of your examples, but Prince William Sound, the site of Exxon Valdez oil spill, is actually still incredibly rich in marine and terrestrial life. It took a bad hit (particularly herring, sea otters and some sea bird species) from the 1989 spill but has largely recovered since.
Fair enough. I stand corrected. I had forgotten about the War of the Roses and it's been a long time since my History of Japan class. I'm more knowledgeable about the history of Eurasian Steppe conquerors, including Timur (though he was really just ethnically Mongol, and was a citified Turkish speaking guy/psycho…
Point taken. Yeah, I agree you can have that kind of pathos (that's a word right?) from a dark comedy without a Christian redemption arc buried within.
Makes sense. She would have waited for help had she thought it was coming. Now we'll just have to see if publicly joining the church to the state is going to backfire horribly, tragically or just really badly.
It seems clear to me that Margaery is playing Tommen and the High Septon with her olympics level double backflip reversal. Though it's less clear to me if Olena is in on it. Thoughts?
"The series basically takes every bad thing that happened in medieval history and crams it into the timespan of a few years…"
This is a very good point. IMO whats good about the story (the show and the books) is the incredibly well-written plot in the first three books, the mythos behind everything and the often very…
Well, I'd say a virtuous intent and character in a leader is a must and Cersei clearly doesn't have it. Though I hear you about the High Septon…he's clearly some sort of fascist (ie. his idea of faith doesn't seem to include the individual freedom to choose).
I guess she could be the Prince(ess) who was Promised, or Azor Ahai because I think it's hinted that those aren't necessarily the same person (and I think Jon is one of those at least). But yes, everything about her character has become so tedious: she's all fire and bombast. And though that makes sense because…
It's only strange because Martin consciously seems to have separated the two characters, which led me to believe that each character must be significant. If it weren't for Leaf telling Bran that CH was killed "a long time ago" and Martin specifically telling his editor that CH wasn't Benjen in those not meant to be…
I haven't watched this yet but can someone please tell me if Benjen is Coldhands? Because if that's the case, that's a bit strange considering that Martin was pretty clear that Benjen is NOT Coldhands.
It might not be pulled off in a believable way, but I'm sure something like that is gonna happen. He could revert to his old ways but I'm betting he's a penitent novice monk gravedigger when he's reintroduced. I think the Hound wouldn't hide out like that once he recovered from his wounds unless he believed in what…
He could have a spiritual awakening without being a mindless footsoldier for the Faith Militant a la Lancel Lannister. And I think he will actually. It makes sense for his character's redemption arc (which I believe he is on). Like Thoros of Myr said: "The Hound is a man in torment but the Mountain is a beast…
No, sorry, that's not what I meant. It is a dark comedy. I agree. But it's a lot more too. It's also got a lot of heart and that heart comes from the sins of it's central characters, the guilt that follows and finally the sacrifices that are made to redeem themselves. A dark comedy doesn't need this redemption…