
In regards to the "cheating" of the heretofore assumed rules of greenseeing that Gus pointed out (ie. Bran has to be touching the tree): the Three Eyed Raven did say in the past that Bran would not be in the cave forever but that he still had much to learn. That implies he didn't always need to be touching the tree,

In Bruges is so good. I think it's slightly reductive to label it as a dark comedy though. It's really a Christian redemption story with LOTS of humor.

I'm pretty sure he pronounces his own name "Urine" in this episode. I'll have to rewatch it to be sure.

Coldhands be coming. "I'm your monster, Brandon Stark."

true but it just feels right

There is no way that Shaggydog is dead and that this isn't a ruse by Small Jon and Rickon. They know that Ramsey won't kill Rickon as long as he can use him to bait in Jon and Sansa and when they arrive the Umbers revolt. Callin it!

This is Small Jon and Rickon's ruse. He knows that Ramsay won't kill Rickon as long as he can use him as bait. The Umbers are famously loyal to the Starks. And you don't cast an actor that bad-ass and have him ally with a hobbit-esque psycho like Ramsey.

Not unless they totally deviated from the Umber character of loyalty in the books. This won't happen. The Great Jon was already shown to be incredibly loyal and the apple never falls far from the tree. This is the show's version of the Great Northern Conspiracy. Small Jon is on the Starks side.

After mulling it over for a few days I've done a complete reversal and it's undeniable to me now that Small Jon is not giving up Rickon to Ramsey; he's only pretending to do so. Ramsey won't kill Rickon as long as he thinks he will act as bait to get Jon and Sansa to attack him. And my first thought that Shaggydog's

Yeah. Agree it would be satisfying if they could finish on an awesome note, with a psychologically whole Daniel Craig Bond doing his thing without sliding into fan-service or camp. Royale and Skyfall were so good (particularly Royale) that a strong third would be great.

My ranking exactly. I remember watching Solace and thinking: how could things go wrong so quickly? It's been a long time but I seem to remember a massive attack of steadicam jerkiness making Solace nigh unwatchable.

I really didn't like Quantum but loved Casino. I seem to remember Quantum having a horrible case of spastic camera work. But it's been a long time.

One man's fuck is another man's unfuck. As the saying goes.

I think you're right but I hadn't noticed it through everything else that is wrong with show Dorne: the thin, weak plot; the hammy and/or poorly drawn characters…which brings to mind a character that doesn't suck. Where the hell is Bronn?

That is an awesome title. I hope he wrote it all red-faced and with a stein of beer in his off-hand.

Yup - Prophets of Doom.

Gillen is a fantastic Littlefinger and his slightly shifting accent over the show is piddly stuff to me.

The Faith Militant reminds me more of the violent Anabaptist movements (German Peasants War and Munster Rebellion) that arose out of the Protestant reformation (movements that even Martin Luther denounced). The Catholic church was just too powerful in Europe for it be analogous to an underdog movement like the Faith

I always felt he was more of gingum man myself.

If you're selling penis mightiers, I'll buy a dozen!