Brett B

I know you didn't bring it up, but I kind of can't believe that there was ANOTHER prominent 3 in this episode - the shot of the swimming pool with 3 FT front and center. It's pretty funny how quickly the whole theory of three thing went from crazy conspiracy theory to 99% certainty, but I'm definitely a believer now.

It's like going on the Back to the Future/Simpsons/Minions/etc. rides at Universal Studios, except instead of lasting 3 minutes it lasts 2 hours. To be fair, it was pretty well done, and all of the effects (flashing lights, air blasting, shaking seats) were perfectly timed to the action on screen. But a little of that

"The End of the Tour…is…adorkable!"
- A.A. Dowd, The AV Club

I think Mongrel is just a huge fan of the A.V. Club comments sections.

Won't lie: I'm a little disappointed Billy Madison couldn't fit in here. He's such a good comic villain in that.

"Do you remember color forms? They were these colored things that stuck to things."

All I know is that Toll Booth Willie was the funniest thing I had ever heard when I was 8 years old.

Yeah, and what's the deal with homework? You're not working on your home!

I don't know if I buy Chris Hemsworth as Geddy Lee.

Hey look, it's Huey Lewis in the news.


Eh, I'm gonna go see it, but I'm deranged.

McGinley is McGreat

I happened to see Temptation last night, as a matter of fact, and there was a part at the end that had me laughing hysterically. It was when a seemingly purposeless secondary character admits to having HIV in a conversation that had absolutely nothing even remotely to do with HIV. I'm paraphrasing here, but it was

I really had absolutely no use for an Evil Dead remake, but I must say that I'm somehow cautiously optimistic for this.

I'm seeing double! Sixteen Rosario Dawsons!

It's downright scary how accurately Freaks & Geeks seemed to emulate my entire high-school experience.

Not really, I just couldn't think of anything clever to say.

Don't you mean the shining?

Where not to start: Dawes