Brett B

If Pop Pilgrims ever returns, I'd like to see them visit the landfill where all the copies of this game are buried.

I can't even imagine having paid $60 for this back when it came out. It takes literally about 10 seconds to become infuriated with the maddening lack of direction, or anything else really. And yeah the pits are terrible, but it's also absolutely impossible to avoid getting captured by the guys who chase you around.

I just can't believe that at no point did someone go, "hey these drums sound like ass!" I have seen "Some Kind of Monster" though, so that goes a long way in explaining things.

Kevin Corrigan calling Franco "McMurphy" is probably my favorite throw-away joke in the series. You don't see it coming but then when it does it seems so obvious in hindsight. I also love how subtle a reference it is.

I never understood why the drums on this album sound so fucking bad. It's no exaggeration when Hyden describes it as sounding like a garbage can.

"Carded and Discarded" should have been a part of that Gateway to Geekery on Alice Cooper from last week.

It feels good knowing that I wasn't the only one who immediately thought of that line when they showed that ad.

"He looked almost exactly like Franco, that’s what’s crazy. When I first cast Franco, I was like, 'Oh my God, he looks just like the guy.' Like, the same mouth, the crazy mouth and everything."

Yes, and yet oddly enough they are all smokers and have premarital sex.

You know, I had a friend who didn't like Freaks & Geeks. You know what he's doing now? He's DEAD!

Michael Palin killing all those dogs in A Fish Called Wanda. I know they weren't actually harmed, but whatever, it's hilarious.

His show was replaced in my market with Nikki Sixx's show - talk about a downgrade.

Oatmeal - for bald fat guys who sit around in their pajamas all day.

I've never heard him, but his hair is enough reason for me not to like him.

The password is Bosco!

Billy Corgan sounds like a much better fit for this.

Ah yes, Waldo Geraldo Faldo. Comedy gold!

He looks like Black Waldo in that picture.

Man, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close was a real piece of insufferable shit.

How about "Schiess dem fenster" for "Shoot the glass" in Die Hard? Although if I recall correctly, that's not how you accurately say that in German. Eh whatever, Hans Gruber can speak German however the hell he wants to.