Brett B

That one scene in Antichrist (if you've seen it you know the one) was about as close as I ever got to wanting to throw up while watching a movie.

His script for the sequel leaked and was immediately flushed down the toilet.

I love that Cronenberg essentially shares top billing with Pattinson.

No it's actually the sequel, although a more appropriate title would have been Deep Two Sea. The third film will be called Deep Blue Three.

Definitely some good picks in there, but even so it's far too small a list. The 80's truly were the glory days for R-rated action.

I fully expect 95% of the comments here to be Deep Blue Sea jokes.

I am so pumped for this. I can't even remember the last truly balls-out R-rated action movie. Bad Boys 2?

I've always liked this movie purely because of how goddamn weird is it. There is basically nothing conventional about it, and it's clearly not trying to appeal to a very broad audience.

These pipes……..are CLEAN!

So is this that gritty Hungry Hungry Hippos adaptation I've been hearing about?

While it doesn't appear to be nearly as complex as the other long opening shots you've mentioned, I've always enjoyed the one in Lost in America.

Touch of Evil has heart, but Citizen Kane has football in the groin.

@avclub-178874fad561e353c21ccdafe08915ca:disqus I re-watched the ending again before making the original post and I still did not catch that.

Yes, but isn't that just really your own interpretation? I'm not saying I don't agree, but I think the point is that the film doesn't give you a definitive answer.

Well that's partially why I'm not sure if the omission was intentional or not, since the criteria for this inventory is somewhat vague. But I think the way it ended certainly isn't definitive in a literal sense.

The Sopranos seems like a pretty big omission, but then again I'm not sure if it seems to meet the exact criteria.

Oh how I wish Terriers didn't have to be on this list.

R.I.P Jimmy a.k.a Who's That Guy Again?

Best episode of the season in my opinion.

Ay Caramba!