Professor Frink is still funnier than anything Lewis has ever done.
Professor Frink is still funnier than anything Lewis has ever done.
You'll have to forgive me, I'm Irish.
"50 years from now, people will be able to look at this movie."
This movie is LITERALLY…not for anyone.
Isn't a sobering depiction of Irish life kind of an oxymoron?
The Myth of the American Sleepover is excellent. Everyone should check it out.
Ah, that sweet Laurel Canyon sound.
On the contrary - Atlas Shrugged is a pretty successful adaptation. There isn't much awfulness lost in the transition from book to film.
You are BOTH correct…
Watching along with the AV Club is a blast, regardless of how the actual show is. I'm honestly looking more forward to the live chat than I am the show itself.
You forgot to mention that FRED: THE TV SHOW premieres tonight on Nick.
What the hell are you talking about? I just went to right now and loaded up the newest Parks & Rec, no problem. Do you live in one of those freak countries? Maybe that would explain why you tried to watch Are You There Chelsea?
There actually is a moment where Cage goes to grab the kids hair and he says something like, "There was a bee on you". Just hearing him say BEE again got a good laugh out of me.
Great question, terrible taste in music.
So by that logic I guess every great artist ever is terrible because they inadvertently influenced others who turned out to be terrible.
Pearl Jam a terrible band? Them's fightin' words!
I bought it before the quadruple disc was released, but I do own THREE double features. This and Over the Top, Cobra and Tango & Cash, and Assassins and The Specialist. Guess which one never gets watched.
Ooh, I can't wait to see it so that I can enter the Spoiler Space!
I think it is very underrated in terms of being that rare successful blend of action, sci-fi, and comedy. Every time it feels like it might be veering too close to becoming a goofy comedy, Simon Phoenix rips some guys eyeball out or something. If there hasn't been anything funny in awhile, suddenly Denis Leary pops up…
I'd hesitate to call Demolition Man "little-loved", although maybe I'm just being delusional. Me and my friends all love it, and I cherish my Demolition Man/Over the Top double feature DVD.