Brett B

I should have clarified - I realize that the Oscars are positive in that they bring attention to whatever films are nominated, many of which most people might not seek out otherwise.

Do the Oscars ever even have a positive effect on peoples' opinion of a film? It feels like it's only ever backlash against movies that "don't deserve the Oscar", instead of re-evaluating something in a positive light. I know I'm certainly not going to watch "The Help" or "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" again and

It is not entertainingly bad, no. Honestly, its worst offense is that it is just boring as fuck.

I like how that quote makes Harvey Weinstein sound like an illiterate goon.


I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this review.

I'm not a zoologist either, but I believe those were sloths, not lemurs.

Anyone else ever play Toonstruck? I had completely forgotten it until right now, but it had Christopher Lloyd in it and was weird as hell.

This is still one of the few movies where my opinion changed completely upon a second viewing. The first time I saw it I just thought it was kind of slow and meandering without much of a point and few laughs. Then I watched it again a few years later and just fell in love with the atmosphere and its ability to evoke

Among other disappointments, I really thought Charlize Theron would have been nominated for Young Adult.

Oh I'll still definitely give it a try, I'll just lower my expectations accordingly.

That's disappointing about Abobo's Big Adventure. I haven't had time to play it, but I thought it looked awesome.

I'm pretty sure I learned the word 'Boobs' thanks to that song.

Don't forget Megadeth!

Ah yes, The Simpsons Sing the Blues. I still have that cassette tape in my car, along with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Comin' Out of Their Shells.

It's also keeping with the theme of Rush vans. His first one was, I believe, Exit Van Left, which was parodying Rush's Exit Stage Left. I still thought that was hilarious independent of its absurd reference.

Hemispheres by Rush, which makes Van-ispheres that much funnier.

"Remember when Rob Schneider used to be funny?" - Nobody

It sounds like it would make a good double-feature with Lambada.

Rabin's live-tweet of An Invisible Sign really made me want to see it.