Brett B

I watched this movie yesterday actually, and while I can't deny it was creative in its presentation and very well-made, I just never found the subject to be all that interesting, to be honest.

Saw this this morning and it is indeed dreadful, although I did laugh during a scene where a possessed priest tries to drown a baby during a baptism.

Tobias had me at "smeared in excrement".

That slate of upcoming films is exciting.

This was the first Jackson movie I saw, then I enjoyed it so much I sought out Dead Alive. Needless to say, that film made me a fan for life. I even have a Frighteners poster hanging above me right now.

Every film could be improved with an M. Night Shyamalan cameo. Just imagine the possibilities!

"A tiger ravaged by the effects of Forced Metaphor Syndrome"

"To a degree, I can understand the frustrations of many commenters who looked at our Top 15 list and said they’d never heard of these movies, much less seen more than one or two of them—and thus, 2011 totally sucked."

Well, the cheap theater actually was flooded recently, but it's reopening tomorrow with new fancy reclining seats and the same low price point. Just in time for Chipmunks 3.

If it had opened in any of the theaters near me I would have seen it, but it did not, so no I haven't. Now I kind of wish I had.

I don't care to calculate an exact today, but the main theater I go to is only $4.50, which is a big part of why I decided to do it.

I'm planning on it, yeah.

Yeah, I decided this year to see every single movie that came to theaters, no matter how awful it looked. Believe me, I felt a great sense of shame having to say the words "One for Bucky Larson".

I actually think that Jack and Jill is slightly better than Just Go With It for exactly the reason you mention: Al Pacino's performance. His scenes were at least slightly tolerable because they were so bizarre, whereas absolutely nothing about Just Go With It was tolerable in the slightest. And of course, Bucky Larson

Joe Dante needs to work again so that Dick Miller can work again.

"The Alvin and the Chipmunks trilogy"

Bruno Kirby pops up in the Larry Sanders Documentary on the DVD's and gets pissed because he was "bumped" from being the host of the documentary just like he was "bumped" from the final episode of the show. It is hilarious, and according to the DVD, was actually the last thing he ever filmed. A much better send-off

Hugo had the best use of live-action 3D I've ever seen, and I normally hate 3D. It's worth the extra few bucks.

I went to see every goddamn movie this year that was given a wide release, nearly 150 before the year is over….I've still only seen 3 of your top 15.

Is Dr. Drew a fictional therapist?