
I see that. I'm not going to insist I'm right and that there aren't other legitimate thoughts on it, and I don't intend the below as that. Jacking up the drug prices did cause death and other harm. Generally though most profit seeking enterprises will screw people over and indeed even result in death at times (be it

I appreciate your candor, and I see all the anger throughout this comments. But throwing literal dog feces at someone's face is generally wrong on my scale of morality. The guy is not a Nazi. Extreme avarice and being an ass is not equivalent to Nazism.

What's that old Nietzsche line about take care that in fighting monsters you yourself don't become one? I get these guys are terrible and heinous, but what does throwing dog shit in someone's face actually accomplish? Apart from comedic value, it's just moral equivalency in defense of (or is it attack?) false

One trope I hate is the dude is dumb and/or incompetent with kids. I mean, yes, some are but it's retrograde and insulting. You're a guy that is intelligent and is involved with your kids? Loser! You're not a real man, drink some beer and be dumb.

I still don't understand DA:I's story, which I at least understood the MEs. I get the plot: bad guy wants mcguffin to conquer the world. But who is he? How did he become that? How's he allied with certain people? Maybe that was answered in side quests or convos, but he never seemed more than a generic big bad.

So I recently had some free time and gave it another try, and now I'm addicted. I think that at the beginning I was so weak and didn't understand the always dodging mechanic. It's a strange progression from powerless to usually unstoppable, except for a fire elemental. That thing was tough. The other mechanics I'm

I was more intrigued by the last trailer and this one was sort of underwhelming. Somewhat clunky 3rd person shooting? A really dark environment and bland enemy design? A few snippets of ability UI, with nothing all that new? Eh. We shall see, but it's not like the anticipation I had for ME 2 or 3. I'm thinking it'll

Couple of years ago I had the division president come in, go to the urinal, begin urinating, and I guess in the spirit of letting it all out, tell me he was firing my supervisor and promoting me. Made seeing my boss leave in tears the next day feel even dirtier than would have normally.

Trump is actually the perfect answer to your question: no. It requires confidence, loud stating of opinion, and a generous dose of making things up and blaming others. That will take you far in business, if you're a man at least. As in house counsel I once sent a legal memo out and a high level manager said it was

I'd also add to the other good advice: talk it out. I know I was an annoying blatherer about the most minute aspects of a relationship of several months which took up my thoughts for like a year. but if it doesn't go out of your mind it festers. It's like blowing your nose when you have a cold. You gotta get it out

But learning to hold a living being with no neck support and a squishy skull is its own type of game.

I was forgiving of some dialogue weirdness because I figured CD Project Red wasn't an English first developer (I could be wrong) but some stuff did sound a little off. I think it's a low bar for RPGs stories actually and so something rooted in a "mature" medieval world seems original than generic fantasy. It was more

That's freaky. That's about the same quest I stopped after. I tell myself when I have more time I'll try again but we'll see. One other confusing thing was how you're purposefully under leveled. After the Bloody Baron you have to go to a new area but the recommended level is two levels above you and the game even

I picked up Witcher 3 with all the DLC for cheap around Black Friday, and I love the writing and story-telling but some of the UI (I got in on Xbox, so it may not be such a big deal on PC) and archaic mechanics seem to get in the way of the adventuring, slaying, and story. Stuff like fast traveling only at sign posts,

I'd recommend the honey glazed turkey from Honey Baked Ham (the store/restaurant thing). It is similarly delicious and just requires some oven reheating.

I actually thought it was one of the better HP movies. I'd say it was good, not great. It had a few little issues, but plot, characters, and humor were all there in competent to good or enjoyable degrees. I'd rank it higher than a "bad" MCU movie. I did read all the HP books though so I'm the target demo.

Yeah, the sequels were fun in their own ways but they never lived up to the first one in style or story. The mechanics were clunky compared to the sequels, but, just my opinion, it was far superior from a narrative and atmosphere standpoint. They should have maintained the humanity as unimportant angle throughout. It

Agreed. Andromeda is leaving me cold so far. Trailers aren't everything so of course I'll hope for the best and wait, but I don't see the wonder of exploration or much that's original. The first ME wasn't devoid of its share of cliches and tropes, but at the time it was pretty impressive for a cogent, new sci-fi IP. I

Not to besmirch such a fine Gamelogical board such as this but if any Gameologicians would like to join up on Live, as they say, I'm AT1515. We could even form one of those weirdly corporate but also needy Spartan companies.

Yep. Totally what I meant. Or perhaps I meant that the days of occupy Wall Street being in the news consistently and I am the 99% bumper stickers selling like hot cakes were over.