
The zeitgeist has somewhat passed but they should do a take on batman as this entitled 1%-er that beats up criminals because he can't stand anyone else making lots of money. It'd be fun social commentary about how the rich are just the old crooks that didn't get caught and so they're always out to keep the nouveau

Myrrh Money, Myrrh Problems is still available. I could see it as having an anti-Joe Osteen/prosperity gospel type message. And it could be a ska band!

There's nothing like an Alabama AV Club reunion. I for many years hated Alabama. Lived here since 98. I've finally made my peace with it. If you are in Birmingham, it's not too bad. Especially if you're down around the Highlands area, avondale, Homewood, and a few other places. I still am saddened by the politics and

And for anyone reading "Arab" and thinking its pronounced like you think, it's pronounced Ay rab. Like the A in hay and then rab. It's Mobile pronunciation rules. Which is pronounced Moe Beel. It's a crazy place

So this is like Splash but with less plot and no T Hanks?

Laughed so hard I began to tear up. This is beautiful, hilarious nonsense.

That hippo part was definitely a little rough. I don't think its a great movie, but I appreciated how it was pretty quick, didn't get too bogged down, had some really great CGI (Blomkamp is so good at making CGI not look like CGI, imo), and while the message was heavy handed/simplistic, I at least appreciated it had

Battleship was actually pretty awesome, except for the grumpy guy on crutches side story. Take that out, and its a fun action movie. It sounds dumb, but the end with the old guys loading up the guns, the classic rock, and ridiculous ship physics, had me glued to the screen and smiling like an idiot.

So I may be a little ignorant about currency conversions and film financing, but why is a 9 million opening in China such a good opening? Don't mean this in a smug way just legitimately curious why what would be a flop for an opening weekend in US such good news.

Haha. Agreed. But still gets the job done. I'm generally of the opinion that mixed metaphors are fine as long as they make sense. It's like word impressionism. And aren't really most words a type of impressionism, some just more focused than others in their impression? I don't know. Have to ask someone that got that

I've seen all of these. So, without further delay, my very important opinion on things:

Spoilers ahead. I'm still surprised by the backlash to this movie. I saw it before reading any reviews and actually enjoyed it. I've seen better superhero movies ( avengers, dark knight, iron man, moments in the first hulk movie) but for me it had some ambition, some fire to it, and it did have some emotional touches

Yes, that ending makes the whole movie worth it. Without that ending, I would have just thought the movie was a cool, avant garde thing, that I wasn't really sure if I liked or not, but the ending reflected on the rest of the movie, made the prior hour and half (more probably) seem necessary. It was stunning. Only the

Oooh. That Apathy fellow is pretty dastardly. In all comic seriousness, guffawed out loud at that comment. Thanks, Sean!

Nope, just a Hulu Plus ad. I'm jealous.

Nope, just a Hulu Plus ad. I'm jealous.

The guy seems likable enough, but the show was sort of bland. I've actually been pleasantly surprised by The Burn. It's got a few rough edges, bits that could be deleted or improved, but it's usually got some good laughs and it's sort of fun to see a couple of comedian pals goofing around in the last segment.

The guy seems likable enough, but the show was sort of bland. I've actually been pleasantly surprised by The Burn. It's got a few rough edges, bits that could be deleted or improved, but it's usually got some good laughs and it's sort of fun to see a couple of comedian pals goofing around in the last segment.

Whoa. My terrible ex also loved that show. You hear about dudes that ignore their girls for a football game. This show was her football game. I don't know what this coincidence means, but it's probably important.

Whoa. My terrible ex also loved that show. You hear about dudes that ignore their girls for a football game. This show was her football game. I don't know what this coincidence means, but it's probably important.