
I am a Seahawks fan. The first title we won, it was tons of fun, high fixing strangers all week, yelling “Go Hawks” at random intervals, the whole championship deal.

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Can we remember some This Is SportsCenter?

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It’s the easiest type of delivery to hit (called a ‘full toss’). Bouncing on the pitch creates variable movement upwards and sideways, and bowling a full toss takes those away and the batsman can track the ball right onto the bat and usually send it to the boundary.

Seems insane, no?

It’s south of Washington and north of California. The win against the Ducks isn’t a quality win. The Utah win looks better than A&Ms Arkansas win, not to mention the whole 1-loss thing.

SEC bias is real

It may be just me because I grew up around there, but Mount Saint Helens and the surrounding area never really struck the poet in me like other places. (Although, staring right into the crater is awe-inspiring. It’s true: The abyss does stare back!)

Art Carney died in 2003 in CT. I think you mean Harry Randall Truman. He’s the one who refused to leave his lodge on Spirit Lake.

It’s a river. A 1200-mile river that drains an area the size of France. It flows, for some of those miles, through a desert where it rains very little.

No, it isn’t that simple. Nuance matters. The possibility of compromise matters. I’ve always believed in a woman’s right to choose. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become less and less comfortable with abortion, but a woman’s right to choose overrides my discomfort. My change in position compels me to consider things which

First, you have to find someone who is willing to appear on TV on behalf of Trump. Rudy can only do so many of these things.

That sign that said “I’d rather get punched in may than get knocked out in October” was pretty great considering it was Odor’s shitty throw that allowed Donaldson to score.

I’m going to give the Republicans a little advice here.

Well fuck..This Bill Clinton guy sounds like a real jerk and I will NOT be voting for him next month

To be fair, Ben Carson probably expects the shiny space fairies from Planet Bimbulon to land and start handing out shiny candy apples in the coming days.

Now we know why Mike Tyson supports him. He was convicted of politically correcting all over some unconsenting woman

Susan Hutchison the career TV anchor/teleprompter reader.

If public figures can sue for being mocked, then late night shows and comedians will be out of business immediately.

Trump is nothing but a hypocrite, most of his “Trump” merchandise was made in China and Central America. Ford making small cars on México makes perfect sense. Ford knows that they are unable to make small cheap cars in America and make a profit from them, so why even bother making them if they can’t make a profit, it

I toast my rice AFTER boiling by forgetting it on the stove!