....oh wow. I thought she was just pretentious enough to name her kid after a Greek god because of how special she thinks he is, but... NOPE. She named him after a handbag brand.
....oh wow. I thought she was just pretentious enough to name her kid after a Greek god because of how special she thinks he is, but... NOPE. She named him after a handbag brand.
Sometimes I feel bad I don’t watch much TV and I miss out on what everyone is talking about. Reading this list made me want to set my cable box on fire and hurl it out a window while screaming for an old priest and a new priest. EGADS.
I miss slamming the phone down so much.
I am with you on this. Who the fuck cares about them??? Why do people love them?? And yet, my sister watches the I show and likes Kim. We have to agree to disagree on this.
Things I don’t understand.
she is a Lucifer reincarnate, so now it all makes total sense now
Oh, Teresa knew *exactly* what was going on. The evidence that was presented by the Feds showed that she was a full participant in their crimes and is just as culpable as her husband.
Now THAT is some serious high-femme-glamazon business.
Jersey doesn't fuck around. Or pump its own gas. I only miss one of the two.
This hairline staggers me every single time I see it again.
I think you’re missing the fact that this is a matter of opinion. I loved some of those movies. You didn’t. Oh well.
Sign me up. I’ll watch just about anything with Tina Fey in it.
Still waiting for Bruce/Cait to show up for her court date in a hit & run. Kind of hard to be pro-law and in the same breath hide behind your ex’s filming schedule.
You forgot to add vehicular manslaughter from reckless driving to that list
My family says this ALL THE TIME too! “I won’t do it! I tell you I won’t!”
Can’t we just build a giant toilet and flush them all?
My mom and I say, “Chrissy, bring me the big knife!” way too much.
My family knows and quotes every damn line from that movie at every family gathering.
Plus there was that one time Leo was on a boat and it sank.
Was this lady’s sister on one of those planes?