
If this effectively bans Jenny McCarthy as well, then I'm all for it.

My beef with e-cigs is that many who use them act like they are not at all disturbing to those around them just because they're not tobacco cigs. Like, people smoke them in movie theaters, letting the vapor rise up in front of the screen others are trying to watch. That's obnoxious.

I wonder who Fox pays for their animatronics? She looks amazing

Vlad the Impaler

She has a vibrator named after him.

She is the poster child for willful ignorance. It is scary to think she was one election and one heartbeat away from being the most powerful person on the planet.

And also collagen. Here's a "before" picture, with similar lipstick:

bloviate: talk at length, esp. in an inflated or empty way.

Yeah, because drone strikes just SCREAM liberal-momjean-sissy-boy.

Talks glowingly about the Russian President while talking crap about our President. I always knew deep down she was a fucking commie who hates America.

Point to it, Sarah. Point to Russia and the Ukraine on a map. I double-dog dare ya.

She went from looking like Tina Fey to looking like Peggy Hill.

That, or so lifted and Botoxed, she looks permanently whacked out. Well, she is permanently whacked out. And stupid.

Ugh I hate her so much. Isn't it time to get some new glasses? Maybe try something with a frame this time? Especially since I'm 99% sure she only wears them because she thinks they make her look serious.

Wait, wasn't she the one supposed to be keeping an eye on Putin? If she can see him from her house, why can't she do it? It's not like she has anything else to do (besides fall asleep in the tanning bed).

What kind of deal do I have to make with the devil to get hair like this?

It really is a shame they went for "muppet" for the bottom half of this, isn't it? It's like what snuffaluffagus gets married in.

I rolled my eyes when they were about to be interviewed and Jada saw the red light go on Camera B and immediately did the Angelina Leg. Can we please pleeeeeease stop with The Leg? Please?

Wonder Twin Powers activate!

laser dress?