The traffic to Park Place is just terrible.
The traffic to Park Place is just terrible.
I read the Miley item as "flaunts her vulva" and it didn't seem even a little surprising. Does that say worse things for me or for Miley?
Maybe they watched Indecent Proposal and being Kardashians were negotiated down from $1 million to $500,000.
The fact that it was a staffer was seems like the organizers were like, "I know what would be horrid and maybe embarrass Kim!"
Seriously though, does no one think it weird and tacky for an engaged new mom to be hired as basically an escort sans sex, presumably? Do they really need that extra 500K so badly? Plus she looks so freaking uncomfortable in the photos, I just cannot fathom why they felt the need to accept this contract. Gross.
If someone you don't know pays you to attend an event with them because they think you are pretty/sexy, and you only go because they are paying you, you are an escort. To take a job as an escort and then be surprised that it is awkward, skeezy or shady is stupid. You're an escort and that typically means your work is…
It seems like PMK is losing her strong pimp hand.
I am thinking this whole blackface thing was staged for "drama" for the TV show. Even so, it shows how low Kris Jenner will go in demeaning her children for money and fame.
Seriously. This man's favourite drink must be vinegar and water.
Jeepers, Robin Thicke can't take a hint re: whether or not a woman's interested in him. My socks just flew off my feet and into the wall and left two sock-shaped holes in the drywall because that's so surprising.
Or not to marry douches? They turn into huge assholes, like real big assholes since the beginning of time.
Eh, I'd rather lack of self control than cruel.
Because A) guys from the Midwest are in such good shape and so svelte (/sarcasm), and 2) maybe fat = medical condition; shitty/stressful/sedentary job that keeps you working 60-80 hours a week; minimum wage or unpaid intern status despite having a college degree so you have to live off the cheapest food available…
Don't know. Has someone offered to marry YOU? You seem like quite the catch.
Lol do you even go here?
Clearly you failed It's Not All About Me 301, but excelled in Trolling 105
How To Avoid the Soul Sucking Vortex of Narcissists, Addicts, and Sociopaths.
Does this mean that clothing will finally be designed for people with narrower waists and large derierres?
If they are taking donations, I have more then enough to share.