
I doubt he shed a single tear. This screams of damage control given how much flack he's been getting for smiling in the mug-shot. He came off like a remorseless shithead so now his PR people leak that he was off bawling somewhere and understands the gravity of what he did. It's pathetically transparent.

Thank god Bieber had his leather jorts to wear out of the jail. Or perhaps they should be referred to as lorts.

It was SJP. Which was why I clicked on the link - I was interested to see if there was some mention of her making shoes that are stylish, but won't trash your feet.

Was it SJP or someone else who mentioned that her feet were ruined after working on the show, and the constant heel-wearing?

John Peter Smith Hospital: you've invented a whole new genre of nightmares. Torturing this family beyond imagination for the sake of some stupid ridiculous technical principle? What sick, sick fucking monsters.

Texas: where reason and compassion goes to die.

Anyone who supports this is unquestionably a psychopath.

I kind of look at this as "there but for the grace of God" kind of thing. If I had the money and access to things Bieber has at 19, I would probably be an asshole too. The fact that both his parents were involved pretty much means that they think this behavior is ok.

This entire thing is just so tragic and messed up. I truly feel for the family.

This story really has been the most depressing, vision-of-a-terrible-dystopian-Handmaid's-Tale-future I have ever seen.

"Quite sadly, this information is not surprising due to the fact that the fetus, after being deprived of oxygen for an indeterminate length of time, is gestating within a dead and deteriorating body, as a horrified family looks on in absolute anguish, distress and sadness"

I feel so sorry for this family. And the idiots who passes this law should be ashamed of themselves. Are any of the forced-birth people here to explain why this is a good idea?

This is the most horrible thing to do to a family.

Asshat in a hat!

He also was on Xanax illegally, was smoking pot, blocked off a residential road so he could drag race down it, and is under age. That's most likely the fallout from all those things, not one beer.

I desperately want Justin Bieber to stop wearing chunky gold chains with poofy baseball caps.


Agreed. A craft involves elbow macaroni and sparkles.

Do you think Jennifer Lopez knows she's turning into Joan Collins?