I love his glasses. They're classic "my uncle gives bad hugs" glasses.
I hope that's exactly what he did and I hope she's so creeped out she never intentionally sees him again. HOPING SO HARD.
I wouldn't put it past him.
If that picture of Justin/Selena is old, that is SUPER creepy of him to post it like it was new.
My ass is flabby but I spend my days teaching teenagers with behavior disorders and reading deficiencies. I wish someone would offer me $$$ to do something great for society like start a brand of leggings. In the meantime, I don't have textbooks for my classroom and I teach people who actually need help.
She's 20 and "lives on the Upper West Side of Manhattan with her mom". Momma pays for everything and she has all the time she wants to regard her own ass.
No Kylie, you don't bother me the family you were born into does. Poor thing you never stood a chance at being a person.
People stare at a 20 year old girl? Amazing. Wait till you're almost 47, Jen. You're in for some Invisible Woman shit. Trust me.
Right? And I speak from experience because I was totally on it for my wedding. Fortunately for me, the uberspanx I had on concealed any bulge from the giant pad I was wearing as back up should any unsightly red spots sneak past the 'pon. I was a bit paranoid about that.
I feel like this is the perfect description of my life and the things in it.
Also the second you get on a plane to somewhere?
I would get my period the second I put that on.
ah, the trust-fund life...
Depends what kind of brownie our friend Margot ate.
As a white blonde lady I'd like to say that white blonde ladies don't get to say "Hook a brother up."
Does anyone really like Miley Cyrus? Who are these people?