
i'm so sick of the faux lesbo chic schtick. it turns on guys. you hate your dad. you need attention to feel. we get it. i mean, if you're going to do porn, at least make them pay for it.

I always liked Maddy. She wasn't a brat she was pissed off because she knew her parents were morons. Her "anger issues" were completely justified.

I just find Miley Cyrus to be gross. I used to work at a dog kennel that bred and competed Labradors and used to help with Artificial Inseminations, and one time made the mistake of wearing flip-flops and got dog cum on my foot. The feeling I got then is the same feeling I get when watching that Miley Cyrus clip.

Ugh, I WISH I could turn my uterus off. These monthly bills, amirite?!?

Yes, I read about these women in the latest edition of Better Whores and Gardens.

Yeah, but 'geriatric buttocks' just don't have the same sort of appeal.

Well, not in this circle of the internet, anyway.

My mom gave me Betty Boop footy pajamas. Betty. Boop. Footy. Pajamas.

Ha ha, my sister and mom are the Queens of this!

I hope you buy her another Stollen next year. And every year after. And if she has kids, buy them little mini Stollen. Keep buying that bitch cake until the end of time.

I got a fleece onesie with images of Moose (Meese?) playing hockey in their own little Canada jerseys. It also says "Don't Moose With Me", AND has a bum flap. It's not a bad gift, kind of amazing actually, but strange (which is probably why I've been wearing it for days)

I also got a strand of lights with little "Leg

My step monster gave me a really fug sweater a few years ago. I mean this sweater omg have you met me?? It's cream colored, long-ish and has square gold colored sequins, it's not even remotely cool like in a h0liday party at the office kind of way.

They are the ugliest bags ever in that hideous quilting but people like them. Sell it on Craigslist or Ebay, you will get a buyer.

Pictures! Pictures!

We did secret Santa at work. Everyone got super awesome personal gifts. Two people cried. I got an unboxed re gifted hot chocolate set.

I'm only commenting just to say that I love the use of the phrase "Gird your loins".

I fear you are correct and I have no interest in seeing him pretend to be a rapper, racer, or a rapping racer.

Since he's retiring, I only hope that Old Mister Justin Bieber takes advantage of all the wonderful AARP discounts and offers that are out there. I would hate to see someone like him living on a fixed income, having to eat cat food from a tin one day.

My sister was born on the sixth, and she has to deal with this shit all the time. My aunt's a Christmas Eve baby and she basically picked a date in July and celebrates then.

Also: when I decided to have kids, my partner is gonna need to get on board with a no-sex from mid-February thru May rule. I WILL NOT MAKE MY FUTURE CHILDREN SUFFER AS I HAVE SUFFERED.

December 27 and you're right, it sucks ass.