
Will Teresa be having a very glitzy garage sale in 5 years after the reality show money train stops running? If the bank is trying to take your casa and you both went to the slammer for doing illegal crap just to keep up the facade, that is the universe’s way of saying “Time to downsize and get real, Beyotch”.

Mucho thanks- and here’s to finding a meltingly hot charming man to worship from afar who has truly admirable viewpoints.

THIS is how I felt when I heard about the length of the K-ho’s being on the air. It’s like Idiocracy come to life.

Ughhhh, melting into a pile of sads

Aaaand he will claim that an Indian Chief bestowed that name on him in the 70’s.

Darn, you mean I can’t deploy my secret ninja army of cats to slay trolls? Bwahahahaha!!!

Darn, you mean I can’t deploy my secret ninja army of cats to slay trolls? Bwahahahaha!!!

And won’t we all be sad if she turns away a fat police officer or doctor in an emergency situation. “You can’t save me, you are too icky”.

I love the cat scratching post and so do my two (big) cats. One of the cats would scratch furniture in the middle of the night. After I bought this and put catnip on it and praised them for scratching it, my new sofa is (knock on wood) scratch free.

I love the cat scratching post and so do my two (big) cats. One of the cats would scratch furniture in the middle of

Yes, God knows what you have done. So do the hardest, meanest cons in the prison you will wind up in, who may believe in violently speeding up the karma express for someone so sadistic to kids and those who can’t speak for themselves. Or at least I hope this is the case.

Can’t we somehow pool some Jez moolah together and charter a private jet to send him to his “exclusive private show” where he will be “paid” but actually land on a deserted island? And the jet pilot could say “Gtfo my plane, we all voted you ON to this island” and hand him a case of water then take off?

“I cracked a blanket”

A) Can we just skip any “news” about the bleached ferret with a photo-shopped dick aka Bieber. I truly have all the feels for anyone who has a phone number one digit away from this bogus publicity stunt number.

I don’t want ANY of my “red cents” (my tax dollars) going into this biased, hate filled orgy of prosecution. Guess the new speaker is determined to abolish yearly well woman exams and mammograms for the poor. Dick from hell.

Or...design a mailbox draped in a photo of “Divine” in full glorious drag, with her lips as the “pull here” flap for the mailbox and a hot pink beehive wig riding the top of it. If they bitch, I’ll swear that it’s a photo of my dear old beloved Aunt Pearl.

Ladies and gentlemen, living proof that the horrible leftist media infiltrated Rupert Murdoch’s secret sex-a-torium and captured candid shots of the love fest there between the great shag rug scalped monster and the media mogul.

I work at home, keep my house fairly nifty and caught the santimonious pricks and prickettes walking by pointing at my “sidewalk situation” and noting things on a clipboard. They skulked away quickly when I appeared at the window, but next time I will run out with toothpaste in my mouth, foaming and screaming WHAT

NOW I understand who in the hell could possibly be enough of a sexless douche nozzle that it would drive them to join an organization that would give a damn about how white my sidewalk is.....

What are the odds that one of those creepy dolls or other pieces of ancient bs ephemera are haunted as well as twee?

A) If that man-who did this damage to his kidneys himself and not through an unavoidable disease- gets a kidney asap, I am going to be pissssed. Plan on me being pissed.

And then cheerily served up some highway pie to the fam