And the infamously huge undies known as “Big Whites”
And the infamously huge undies known as “Big Whites”
If my teen daughter was dating a nack tattoed jackweed, I wouldn’t be encouraging her to move into a house on her own to escalate her downfall. Nor would I be wearing a dress that emphasized the gravity bitchslap that happened to my boobs. And am I the only one who thinks that Kris is looking more and more like an…
Aaaaaamen!!!! I love to read, and bringing a book made me feel less awkward/bored/sad when I was a 40 year old newly widowed woman who had noooo interest in being hit on.
The house I grew up in was built in 1863, and for some odd reason we couldn’t get rid of the wasps that lived in the walls. They even came out in the middle of the winter.
LOve you for everrrr for saying yhat- and “Public hemorrhoid” applies to so many idjiots in the media- esecially the K-skanks
Better yet, periods can be magically transferred upon the worst douchebags.Then the frat houses will be well stocked with Midol and Donald Chump will aways have a dude behind him to make sure he isn’t spotting through his trousers.
I yearned for cool clothes and then we went on vacation, and Mom was under the spell of her extreme bargain hunter sister. I spied the ONE pair of cool jeans and begged, but they cost more then 2 pairs of horrid corduroy pants that were of course, no name and fit like saggy pre-pooped in panatalones. It rained on the…
Somewhere a Frontier executive is facing a karma that makes pooping pineapples 24/7 seem ideal.
Frontier left my 81 year old Mom stranded with no flight updates for 5 hours, no food, no fucks given- whilst telling me on the phone she was flying out before all of that crap. Then they expected a teeeeny old lady (they were told several times she has multiple medical issues) to schlep a huge bag to the airport…
Fuck the entire Dillard’s clan- I worked retail for years and despite it being MINUS 10 degrees, we still had to wear skirts or dressed with hosiery. This was in the early 1990’s. I can still feel the numb buns from spending 5 minutes after work pumping gas so I could get home. Hope whoever made up that skirt rule is…
In all sincerity- Why the hell do restaurants insist on seating screaming kids near older (45+++) couples with no kids? Especially when said older couple asked to be seated somewhere kind of quiet, brought to a quiet area, then 2 minutes later (with all areas of the dning room sparsely populated) they cram the party…
Am I the only who thinks his look lately= Jim just needs to start chewing tin cans in order to get it over with and complete his tranformation into a goat man?
I wholeheartedly reccomend this article after seeing my 80 year old grandma eat yogurt daily- without her dentures in. Bleeerrrgh!
Bree: Rosa Parks is smiling down at you.
I wish I had a pass to randomly slap the smug “I dare you to say something” stare off of the entitled dipshits who bring dogs into stores (dogs who are clearly NOT service animals, like the chihuahua strapped into an umbrella stroller Sunday night at Homegoods). Those assholes KNOW that retail managers can’t say shit…
Wedding 1) Big Sis’s wedding, August in NE Ohio- the cake melted, and it was hotter than Satn’s microwaved balls. We all got a leeetle tipsy and commandeered the neighbor’s pool while still wearing our fancy dancy clothes.
Two things immediately sprang to my when I saw that photo- 1) He looks like a giant blowhard talking piece of ham; and 2) Nice to see an actual photo of psychosis.