I have a deep seated flaming hatred of that word- since 110% of the people who say it tend to be conservative asswads who think I should be a submissive mouse.
I have a deep seated flaming hatred of that word- since 110% of the people who say it tend to be conservative asswads who think I should be a submissive mouse.
The clueless and heinous person behind this video (no doubt the owner of the travel agency) is probably the one telling all the lobster red Brits that I see here in Orlando "Oh, it's (insert month), you don't need sunblock that much, just come back tan and happy. Cheers!".
My cat named Boots was deeply annoyed when that commercial aired- and I can't stop whispering "Boots and pants and boots and pants" at him when he's being a pita.
Should the world explode and this be the only record of fashion left from our sad planet's remains- Please dear aliens, don't believe that anyone (except some skanks and a few thieves) coveted anything from the photo. Except maybe one of the handbags- maybe.
Ps- Please tell me that there are others who roll their eyes at Janet Evanovich's books, too. We can totally form a club with secret hand signals and "Fuck Nicolas Sparks/ Evanovich" bat signals.
I'm beyond thrilled that other women exist who loathe his brand of craptasticly redundant drivel. I too get looked at like "Are you sure you are an Amur-i-can" when I say that I never saw/don't care to watch "The Notebook" or his other cinematic sharts.
Am I the only one that thinks the wife (I think her name was Chrissy?) TOTALLY looks like Starla from Napolean Dynamite?
I always wanted to make a drinking game out of the utterly inevitable portion of the makeover in which Carmindy would tell the woman she used a pinkish gloss for her lips. Drink when you see predictable lips! Better yet- drink when you daydream about having a daydrinking shopping expedition with Clinton!
I can't see her enjoying ALL of retail- like mucking out the fitting rooms when the clothes are trampled on the floor. Or disposing of various nastiness left by "thoughtful" shoppers, such as dirty diapers, tampons in the fitting rooms, etc...Or the lovely mess I once dealt with when I spotted a stack of designer…
When I am savagely pms, nothing will suffice but Bjork's "Army of Me". And chocolate mixed with salty foods.
Aaand Lord knows what from the stream of grubby cretin children who insist on touching all the pretty colors.
Dear Ms. Allen: The makeup ads with HOrridly dramatic eyeshadow aren't meant to be a paint by numbers guide for real people to wear. And don't steal, especially stealing crappy shades like red eyeliner. That shade can only end badly for anyone silly or crazed enough to wear it.
Holy "I have issues " express train to hell...I'm craft disabled and my sisters can probably knit gasoline if you show them the first stitch. My sisters are all fairly sweet, cool people, but...Please, for the love of all that is rick-rack, DON'T let them see this office!!!!!
I used to see genuine police trial evidence/ stolen goods being auctioned off in Propertyroom.com, but that site currently has a smattering of the "hot goods" released from the popo's and a lot of stuff from "other vendors". At least a cursory glance at their fashion section seems that way.
I guess it would have been worse to say the wedding "smelt of Spam and Funyuns, and the sun streamed in the fly specked windows of the van".
I'm a 50 year old and the way she talks about aging is....worthy of hag hands in 5 seconds. Yes, we will all have physical aging. But carrying sweet memories, incredible friendship bonds, wisdom and some amazing experiences along with our wrinkles is worth the physical toll.
All I could think of was David Spade and Chris Farley
My cat loooooved watching this with me:)
I wish that there was a way to stop a pair of women who routinely clear the shelves at our local grocery store, using TONS of coupons (and harassing the cashiers/managers about the coupons) then selling the items they got for free or dirt cheap. I understand they also go to the local food bank, plead for food or…
I wonder if her employer will see this & perhaps think again about having someone so full of hate on their staff. No one deserves a traffic accident (almost no one) but this man was apologizing, and I'm wondering if he was filming due to something shouted at him before he started filming.