Yes- the laser dress came in handy when she found herself at a cat shelter post-oscars and amused the purr-buckets for hours.
Yes- the laser dress came in handy when she found herself at a cat shelter post-oscars and amused the purr-buckets for hours.
I read the same thing but then was more repulsed when I found out that she will dare tread on Dolly's tune. At least Dolly knew how to be classy and trashy all at once. can teach you a lot. Clark Howard also. Try getting a credit union account for a lower interest rate on a car loan. If a salesperson tries to show you the value of your trade in from any book other than Kelly blue book or NADA, run like you are on fire because they are full of bs.
And why do I think the ebay servers will now crash due to people listing their "versions" of Oscar missing gowns ?
Egad!! This is giving me ptsd flashbacks of being a stick thin and picky 8 year old at my nasty neighbor lady's party. Nasty foods, even nastier hillbilly hostess who glanced at my 1/2 full plate of ickishness and bellowed (when I dared say I was full) "Eat it or wear it"!
I would personally think that the recently exhumed and reanimated carcass of General Sherman would be preferred as a neighbor over that jerkweasel Beiber.
Oooooh, I just want to take a trip to Vero Beach and pay the old duffer to let me take a picture with him. Epic wonderfulness!!!!
So much worse- imagine if "That's so feucht" was used in "Mean Girls"!
Ugh, the ugly image of depends under the hoops, yikes!!
Imagine descending those stairs with no concept of where your feet are. Hope they never have to rapidly exit the building during an emergency. Scary all around.
Annnd with his tongue proudly waggling in the breeze, he defended his pro Miley stance the only way he knew how-chomp the competitor of his tongue flapping idol.
Aaaand fat stacks of cash, too :)
Egad! I knew that name sounded familiar. I kind of enjoyed her dishing on fashion before and offering advice, but now she is a tacky clown who is #1 on the list of "next to be abused by an ugly old man with violent tendencies". Not cool in the least.
Sorry that you lost your husband, too. He sounded amazing. My husband Eric had a grand mal seizure the morning after Christmas when we were staying at his parent's house. He was able to teach himself to play the cello, rescue a greyhound, plant an amazing garden and come one credit away from graduating with a master's…
I lost my first husband to a GBM that progressed from a oligodendro glioma mixed with a scant few frickin astrocytoma cells. He was diagnosed at 29, 1st surgery left him able to do many things, but at age 33 GBM killed him. I don't see why scientists waste so much time and money on relatively stupid findings when…
Yes, and the explosion in a lace factory/ Gypsy wedding style dress lends all kind of class to the video.
Annnd, if the ghosts/demons/ Casper wannabes actually appear and make him do cray cray shit, like, say....Prank call Lionel Richie in a guttural demonic voice whilst dancing on the ceiling? That could actually be interesting, instead of the current show format of a few loons yelling at the walls.
Yes, but her omnipresent tongue is showing. Shut yer trap, Miley, we are so tired of looking at your open mouth.
Nor a "douche-a-torium" for being an absolute cretin douche.
Found your long lost shopping list: