
Miracle Whip comes in somewhere below "being waterboarded."

Miracle Whip is an abomination.

Yeah, some tavelling-volunteer types are weird. For one, I think that some of them think that because they're 'doing good' they're allowed to be arseholes to people that they encounter in their day-to-day lives. They're not.

You know Uganda is about 90% Christian, right?

Also that gay death penalty law was written by White American evangelicals, who brought the legislation to Uganda, along with lots of campaign contributions (and outright bribes) to Ugandan politicians.

There are as many different sects of Islam as there are of Christianity, and the dogmas each sect expresses are shaped as much by the culture of the countries, regions, and even tribes in which they're practiced. Please do not generalize in this way about Muslim women. They are not homogeneous in their beliefs,

Dude, there are 500 million Muslim women, living in over 100 countries, under a wide range of social conditions, from very repressive to free.

You've claimed elsewhere to be "in psychology" - I assume that means that, somewhere along the line, you got a college degree.

I have a hard time believing that an educated

I also believe that a lot of white women need saving too, mostly from blatant ignorance, but I digress.

I think people with any religion need saving.

They certainly need "help", but I think the point is that white women think they know what is best for Muslim women and their culture without bothering to understand what Muslim women actually want to change.

This argument doesn't just end at people writing books. Her argument applies to so many in the NGO world, too. People talk about arrogant bankers and politicians, but jesus me, there are countless arrogant, patronizing, selfish, appropriating NGO do-gooders running around those parts, too. Rarely have I seen as much

*Transposes sentiments to western women trying to "save" Muslim women from their oppression*

I'd rank it lower than #23 just by virtue of the fact that it tastes like spoiled mayonnaise someone dumped vinegar and garbage bag drippings into.


a profound theology of the woman

1. Sriracha
22. Being hit by a car
23. Ranch dressing

I just threw up in my mouth a little bit

Why did I initially read "hoisin" as "heroin?" Furthermore, why did I agree with it's placement?

As an expert on drinking substances in college with Seven Years of undergrad (WOOT!) under my belt I can say for a fact that drinking warm Natty Ice is preferable to a cold glass of Dew. The steroid-laden green urine of a bodybuilder is preferable to Dew as well with a strikingly similar color.

You drank mountain dew in college? I drank roughly half a million beers, but no mountain dew.

If you have to be high to enjoy something, it probably sucks.