It is a joyous time when the burners leave. Our neighbor three houses down jumped in his 90K Range Rover and left for La Playa today. He hopes to come back a changed man. We hope he comes less of a douche bag.
It is a joyous time when the burners leave. Our neighbor three houses down jumped in his 90K Range Rover and left for La Playa today. He hopes to come back a changed man. We hope he comes less of a douche bag.
If this baby sister is as immature as LW says, I'm thinking she won't be told "no" by a family member, however loving. The only "good" that can come of this negative pressure is that one day little sister will be overwhelmed and tired and wrung-out, as mothers get, and big sister will crow, "I told you so".
I totally agree with you. However, it's not the pregnant lady that's writing in; it's the pregnant lady's sister. And she can't, you know, abortion her sister. That's not just shitty grammar; the word "abort" doesn't come with an indirect object because that does not happen in our world.
Anita Sarkeesian tackles Manic Pixies. Just saying.
Dear fellow-ladies,
ehh. Persians. 80% of this just seems like a culture clash.
What is with this obsession Jezebel writers have with black women? How come it's never about Native American women or other ethnic women? So hypocritical.
Go look up the interview she did after Wimbledon about possibly playing Andy Murray. Even she is realistic about her chances. Here's a quote.
I don't know what several of these terms mean. I feel kinda left out yet, okay with it.
Same here! I'm mixed and so are my parents and my grandparents were mostly mixed too with one being fully white European. I had people constantly guessing my race and ethnicity or speaking to me in Spanish (we're not Hispanic or Latino). But I never had it "hard". I occasionally wished I were something more…
Sick the girl scouts on them! Brilliant!
I'm guessing this only applies to White people? When you're brown/black you just have to take it and do what the pig cops want. Though I would not grant them the right to frisk/search me or come into my house. Those you have to affirmatively and repeatedly deny consent to. There's always the chance that the cops will…
Disclaimer: please understand that nothing I'm about to say is meant to diminish her actions, which are heroic and brave beyond anything I can imagine.
Who are those people?!?! Past the age of 12, I have never understood those people who think a whole locker room full of people are staring at them. Sometimes I just want to shake them and say, "Everyone's got the same junk! You are not special! No one is looking at you! We just want to get dressed, so we don't lose…
Is it black beauty, though, if it's Asian hair stuck on their head?
Pointing out the systematic oppression of the beauty industrial complex, especially when applied a to group the culture deems inherently "less attractive," while acknowledging an individuals' need to achieve a certain level of put-togetherness and/or right to take pleasure in their own appearance requires a degree of…
Exactly, thank you! While I'm all for calling out mansplaining when it happens, pointing out gender biases of certain types of ASSESSMENT is very different from spouting off overgeneralized and ignorant stereotypes. Research in these areas is why many instructors (and college admissions offices) are putting less stock…