
I've seriously only seen this happen a half dozen times, and I'm in my late 20s and have lived in several large cities, currently NYC for the past several years. I've discussed this issue with my male friends over the years, and none of us have seen nor heard of anyone we know that do this.

Um, doesn't that racial distribution closely match actual US demographics?

Sheesh, that was an unproductive response to a genuine plea for civility. The OP acknowledged the absolute fact that women often attract the gaze of men. I'm a fella, and I can corroborate that it is absolutely an automatic response to look at attractive women - our heads turn before we even know that we're doing it.

Well, and because men don't do it when other men are around, it's difficult for some of us to fully comprehend how shitty and seedy this can be. I'm a dude, and I've asked my current/former gf's if this has happened to them: they laugh in disbelief. Of course it happens to them, and all the time.

Um, some of us use ad-blocking plug-ins like Social Fixer. We rarely, if ever, see any ads. I'd quit if I had to deal with this shit.

Exactly. This is the reason why 'preventative care' is virtually unheard of in the medical community. Money is found in treatment and medicine, neither of which are designed to cure, but to enable people to 'live with' their ailments.

Crash was an amazing movie and lens into psycho-sexual dynamics, too bad David Cronenberg doesn't get more recognition for his work.

Sure, she's 'chubby' in that pic - and appears to weigh quite a bit more than her current physique.

Yeah, that's not how things work. Power and subordination don't go away by beginning a dominance 'arms race'.

Meaning, amongst women and excluding men, larger nipples and clitori are considered masculine. And there are some studies showing larger nipples/clitori as correlated with higher testosterone levels.

Ah ha! I was scrolling through comments hoping someone had posted this (also, people who posted books that had already been posted, shame on you).

Totes trying to thieve my thunder. But worry not. Ms. L'Engle has enough thunder for all!

Same goes for A Wind In the Door.

I love David Lynch's music these days. Amazing.

Madeleine L'Engle's 'A Wrinkle in Time'

Yeah, that's called autonomy and agency. Power - linguistically and rhetorically - largely involves the exertion of power over one's environment (people, places, situations, etc).

Even though you're absolutely full of shit, why don't you prove it to yourself by trying to find a shred of evidence documenting this supposed 'biological' basis, ok?

You speak of power and feeling 'powerful' as if they are good and desirable things.

I'm not gay, I'm just unattracted to white/blonde women. In fact I'd rather have sex with any one of my male friends (gay or straight) before having sex with that...Jenny McThing.

To the broad point about rape and gender: