I’m black as they come, but some of this is just incorrect. You talk about the unbearable whiteness of the Democratic party, and then proceed to demonstrate that it’s real by posting a bunch of polls about what all white people think.
I’m black as they come, but some of this is just incorrect. You talk about the unbearable whiteness of the Democratic party, and then proceed to demonstrate that it’s real by posting a bunch of polls about what all white people think.
My dog (25% pitbull according to DNA test) is a giant baby who's scared of literally everything and hides behind my 6 year old. My golden retriever might kill you over a piece of cheese if she's having a bad day (she's very old).
Black people aren’t collectively progressive enough to help themselves. Point blank.
Starred for truth, and I hope someone can bring you out of the grays. Labrador retrievers inflict far more bites every year than pitties do, and absolutely can kill you. Sure, a pit bull has a wider mouth and formidable bite strength — but the difference in bite strength really isn’t meaningful, since all dogs have…
Re: The delay in filing - Having had injuries that seemed like they would be not a huge thing at the time and that ended up affecting me for the rest of my life, this makes sense to me. Often times the full, long term impact of an injury doesn’t become apparent until months or even years later.
Any dog can do a lot of damage to a human being. Please don’t perpetuate the myth of pitties being more vicious than other animals. It’s hard enough already for them to be treated with respect. So many are ignored at shelters and/or are euthanized just by virtue of being a pitbull type dog
His anger is based on his poorly rolled joints that morning spilling more than half of the weed out of the blunt.
Right. It's like " Yes, I'm a violent, unreasonable dickwad. But I'm NOOO racist"
Friedmann then allegedly accelerated toward the victim, who moved out of the way and wasn’t struck, Ruedig said. Friedmann’s vehicle struck the woman’s car twice.
That’s exactly the behavior I’d expect from a dog “trained” using Milan’s methods. It learned to fear punishment and humiliation from Milan specifically, so it acted docile when he was present. When when he wasn’t, whatever bad behaviors existed before “training” immediately resurfaced.
$850,000 seems like a slightly alleged high price point for a dog attack that occurred four years ago and yet wasn’t important enough to file a lawsuit over until now
Anyone who says PoC can’t be racist has never spent any time in Asia.
And he probably hit her car twice because he’s day drunk. No big deal!
He’s a minority himself. He’s a child of immigrants,” McNamara told the judge.
So, really loose joints are to blame here? I know it can be a painful condition, but even that doesn’t clarify how it is even remotely relevant.
Friedmann admitted to spitting on the woman but denied using racial slurs.
That’s a lot of excuses, and zero apologies.
He’s a minority himself. He’s a child of immigrants...
What does him having some B.S disorder (not B.S but his excuse) and having to take care of his wife have anything to do with him being RACIST?
My god, what is wrong with these people? Can’t you just be WRONG for a second, admit it and face your consequences? Where’s the humility?