Flames Suspenders

Those poor, poor old white men. When they think of two guys kissing (or more!), it really makes them feel uncomfortable. So, I think that an entire group of people should give up their legal rights so that these lawmakers might feel icky a little less often.

Honestly, sounds like Gary came out the winner here. You had a high paying job, so you owe him restitution for ruining his life with your unaborted fetus.

There’s a great section in White Fragility about this very thing.

>>State Rep. Brad Sherman (R, duh) sponsored both measures, but said they don’t mean queer people can’t believe in marriage. “If they want to call their relationship a marriage, they are free to do so; that is freedom,” Sherman told NBC News via email. “But, by the same token, people who do not define same-sex unions

PPP Loans.

Your gyno is doing the lord’s work, truly. Can we send her an edible arrangement or something?

“After hours of prayer, I remembered that wombs are meant for punishment and suffering. That’s just how the cookie crumbles, ladies!”

I had my annual exam last month. My gyno said she started meeting with lawmakers, not to lobby, but to give basic sex Ed instruction. Multiple crusty old white guys had no idea on the specifics of where babies come from even though they had kids of their own. And these taint stains are voting on what we should do with

This guy is a pathetic asshole, a sniveling coward, and a moron on top of it all and if he dies soon the world would be a better place for it. I’d be surprised if he can wipe his ass without chipping a nail. In any event, if you think abortion is murder, rape and incest exceptions don’t make any sense, because we

This is why men have no business making restrictions for women regarding their health and rights. We need more progressive women in government to blunt the tide of ignorant fools.

How can you tell if a Republican is lying?

As predicted by me and everyone else with two brain cells to rub together and even a passing interest in American politics predicted. The leopard did NOT change his spots ... he just lied about it and hoped we weren’t paying any attention.

I mean, he would have lost even MORE sleep over it, but the Panthers lost that night...and really, how much sleep can one man afford to lose?

“there are great men of God who are products of rape”—an increasingly popular stance among abortion opponents

Security guy’s stance on the right went from this:

Too bad we don’t have those robots from Total Recall (2012) to respond accordingly every time one of these ‘constitutional carrying’ fools show up like this, because I’d have them cued up with a proper at the ready response...

If that “Christian” had started shooting, I wonder if the cops there would have pulled a Uvalde and just watched people get shot?

Guaranteed there will soon be an abortion clinic shooting, and the shooter will calmly state that he can’t be arrested because blah blah blah “god’s law.”

I couldn’t agree more. My wife and I have talked at great lengths that we are glad that I got my vasectomy 3.5 years ago. As we live in Texas, having to go through IVF for our only child after an ectopic pregnancy, we would be hard pressed if she ever got another one. We used all of our viable embryos to get our one

Xtian nationalist fascists.