Flames Suspenders

Attempt no landings there

Bah. The studies show the number of parents is more important than the gender of the parents.

Anyone who thinks Elon Musk would make an ideal romantic partner doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously.

Whatever it takes to get them both off of Earth, I’m good to support.

There are loads of good scholarly research articles on how and why outdoor activities are largely white: money, time, family traditions, access to outdoor spaces, public pools closing after desegregation, rural areas where climbing, hiking, camping etc not accessible or welcoming to people of color, joggers of color

From my experience the triathlete / endurance sport communities almost everywhere are made up of wealthy professionals that are largely white.

This kid needs a baseball bat full of rusty nails to the knees and hands.

Wealthy WHITE people with connections.

Good thing civil suits exist. Mommy and daddy are going to be on the hook for a lot of legal expenses, and more if the cyclists win, which seems likely.

When Haiti has a better electrical grid than your state, the arguments that you’re not a “failed state” KINDA go out the window...

Texas cares about:
White men, non-viable fetuses and pickups that belch toxic smoke.

The answer is simple:

This kid needs a baseball bat to the knees.

I used to love to ride. Got hit by a car where the lady tried to claim she had the right of way (she was turning to her left directly in front of me and I had no stop sign or light or anything) and I sold my bike. I love it, but not worth getting mangled or leaving my kids with no father.

This isn’t specific to Texas. In pretty much all 50 states if you want murder someone do it with your car. Even if found guilty the penalties are WAY less.

Running over bicyclists in trucks in Texas, even when the cyclist dies, isn’t really prosecuted all that much. There was a case a couple years back where someone in a work truck doing like 75 in a 50 was playing with his phone and literally steamrollered a cyclist on the shoulder. No murder charges, no manslaughter

Yeah I was going to write a comment how its not worth the dangers of riding on the road but these folks were training ironman so how else would they do it.

A 16 year old driving a modified 5 year old super duty. My guess is mommy and daddy will “take care” of it from the legal side with a few phone calls. Poor kid just sneezed with affluenza is all.

Texas is a failed state. I’m sooo incredibly sick of these fucking idiots being allowed to pull this shit. ENOUGH. To bad he was allowed to walk away from the scene.

As a fellow cyclist, this is why I’m starting to avoid road biking. Luckily I have a bike trail near my house, but I don’t trust drivers anymore. Either they are distracted or assholes to cyclists. No need to try to kill cyclists since they are making you to get somewhere slower. We take up the lane for our safety.