Flames Suspenders

Hot take maybe, but if you catch a cop enjoying dispensing beatings, he should be yanked off the force at once.  No question.  That’s psychopathic shit.

You should always focus on Black businesses.

I liked the mall idea for the most part and enjoyed bits of the show. But there were parts of the 3rd season that were unwatchable to me. Everything to do with Hopper was horrible and Lucas’s little sister was such a caricature of the rude precocious tv-child that I wanted to fast forward through every scene she was

I liked the third season much better than the second (the second just seemed to be a repeat of the first “find Will” plot). Having it set in a mall was kind of neat, and I appreciated how much effort they put forth to make it a convincing 1980s mall (I’m 51 so I remember 1980s malls).

The Shining, Amity, Poltergeist.  Let no 80s movie go unreferenced!!!

Agreed on Steve. During my first watch, I was like “Why did innocent ol’ Barb have to die and this douchebag is still alive?” But then they humbled him later in the season and made him more tolerable. Then they paired him with Dustin, which became the best part of the show, then gave him Robin, which became even more

The show really leaned into making Mike & Lucas realistically annoying teen boy dickheads last season, but I don’t think it has yet grasped how much that would make me hate them

Steve getting his ass kicked in season one was my favorite moment of the show—he’s so earnest in his attempts to be the hero!

The show did a really neat job of flipping Steve from the generic teen dickbag to the best character. But they didn’t follow through by emphasizing that older Byers kid is indeed a generic teen dick bag. 

You know the kids dragged surprisingly responsible babysitter Steve into going to that haunted house with them & he is likely to get his ass kicked trying to protect them, as usual.

a new law in Texas that bans abortion from six weeks after a person’s missed period and deputizes citizens to enforce the law by suing each other.


Agreed, and unless we get audio and video of the entire incident (which sounds like it lasted for a while from initial arrival to the fight), it’s going to keep sitting in that grey area where anyone can make it what they want.

Does anyone else have a problem with BLM saying vaccine requirements are racist and are being used to deny black people their rights? Cause to me, that's some bullshit. Being black isn't an excuse to act like ignorant Trump supporters. Get the damn vaccine. This isn't Tuskegee and it's insulting to cry racism cause

I’m choosing not to believe a single goddamn word from a single person even tangentially involved in this.

This is not the entire footage - wouldn’t even hold up in court, because it absolutely fails to depict the entirety of the claims that the women have made, let alone the lack of dialogue (which is the central aspect of the women’s defense).

That host didn’t call them a racial slur. Or at least not until after they assaulted her. Unless that particular restaurant has a history of bigoted behavior no sane person is going to start throwing out racial slurs, on the clock, out in the open, in front of God and all of those Black coworkers, just for the thrill

“Pull those pants up boy

Phew what a mess.

superdoops, you’re lying like a piece of trailer park mix shit. Even some Asians have come out and said that black folks weren’t attacking them at the scale that white folks have. I usually don’t do stats, but someone on another site actually posted some statistics in regards to who’s been receiving the most hate and