Flames Suspenders

One of them was vaccinated, and the other wasn’t. A gold start to whoever guesses who was and who wasn’t.

MKE resident here, and I can confirm that Waukesha county is incredibly red and full of shitheads

When the most devout are the least moral. It has to be the #1 cause in the decline of religion in America ... and yet, try telling any of them that. They get apoplectic.

The part that amazes me is a 58" TV for $300. How are these getting cheaper than wall-paper?

People don’t realize that that shit eats at you and stays forever. I still memorize exactly what I have in my backpack incase someone decides I stole it. There are several places I won’t go into because of some racist BS that’s happened. I still almost have to be forced to go into a Starbucks after all the racist shit

When reached for comment, the writers could only say “Oh shit.”

Conroe is the Houston suburb white people move to because they think their neighborhood has just gone ‘too downhill' for their liking. It’s so red up there it glows.

If they really do have the receipts, Wal Mart be fucked.

Many years ago, when I shopped for groceries, my bill was typically around $150. Always wrote a check until late one day the white cashier decided my check was bogus.

A quick glance at their history shows a love for PT Cruisers and.. well that’s more than enough - definitely an unstable individual in need of constant care and supervision.

Someone made a point in the greys that I agree with (I can’t bring them out because I don’t know how this damn website works anymore) — the dude basically seemed to be operating as if the entire IRL universe was the set of a 70s porn flick and the cameras rolling.

A 90's Saturn is the kind of ultra-specific story detail I live for.

I’ve got a second hand story too!

Habitual abusers generally don’t put their worst side out on public display, yes

It’s an interesting tale. Kind of low-rent Hollywood redux. Nobody really gave a shit about Ron unless he was making him money that day , but they cared even less about all the women he allegedly abused (and, it should go without saying, they cared about those women the least when Ron was making them money that day.)

Two second hand Ron Jeremy stories:

Nice job Dedipshit, see what you’re doing to your state and constituents? You fucking piece of shit. Sure, let’s further politicize something so small as wearing a mask for protection from a god damn pandemic so that the smallest brained of your state can go to a fucking high school, FILM CHILDREN, mock children for

Hugo Weaving was contacted and totally up for it but due to a change in the shooting schedule because of Covid-19, there was a clash and he couldn’t do it.

He cannot be convicted fast enough to then die in jail, never having freedom again. Fuck that predator ass fucker. Die a heinous death sir. Preferably slowly and painfully 

How was he getting away with standing at the school and filming kids?! That’s crazy! That is an arrestable offence right there! I’m glad he’s stewing behind bars, and I hope the full force of the law is thrown against him. If he is so comfortable being abusive like that in public, I wonder what his family faces with