Flames Suspenders

Yeah, he could have just remained in obscurity and nobody would ever have been the wiser, but then his cool story wouldn’t have been getting him laid all through his teens and 20's. Now that the reality that he’s not a rock star and will need to work a mundane job for the next three decades like the rest of us has

Then he should sue his parents, not Nirvana. Can’t touch the band because this shit ain’t porn and no way it’s going anywhere. If his issue is really with the image, then he wouldn’t have filed the lawsuit forever connecting his name with said baby. 

“suffer”, “ lack of consideration” lol. “indisputably his image” lol. it looks like every white baby ever.

Hey! Wait! I filed a dumb complaint.”

Oh for the sake of fuck.

It’s odd that this is all coming up again because I remember when she was on the list to guest host and my thought was “isn’t she a crazy earth mother idiot who’s anti vax”. Turns out she’s worse. 

I only know her from when she would be rude to myself and other staff at the LEGO store.”

But he literally played the Smartest Guy in the Room for over 20 years. At this point I’d believe that he really can build a warp reactor.

I love how it appears that whenever she has an opportunity to voice an opinion, it’s a bad one, and then whenever someone calls her on it, she was taken out of context.

“We made an informed decision not to vaccinate our children, but this is a very personal decision that should be made only after sufficient research, which today is within reach of every parent who seeks to learn about their child’s health regardless of their medical knowledge or educational status,”

She’s basically a eugenics supporter.. hitler would have loved her.. except for the “jew” stuff of course. He’d be conflicted.

It’s so we can dig up dirt on you if you’re ever up for a TV game show hosting gig some time in the future. 

As the father of a child born via c-section, I almost punched my computer when I saw that.

“We made an informed decision not to vaccinate our children, but this is a very personal decision that should be made only after sufficient research, which today is within reach of every parent who seeks to learn about their child’s health regardless of their medical knowledge or educational status,” Bialik wrote at

So while Dr. Bialik does track in pseudoscience, has bad politics, and has an alarming lack of empathy for someone who is medicine adjacent in their training, unlike Mike Richards she was actually pretty good at hosting the show.

Bialik’s exact quote is “There are those among us who believe that if the baby can’t survive a home labor, it is OK for it to pass peacefully,” she writes. “I do not subscribe to this, but I know that some feel that…if a baby cannot make it through birth, it is not favored evolutionarily.”

Who’s gonna say it? Eh? No one? Ok. I will...

Her being a Zionist was enough for me to write her off a while back. The rest is just extra toppings for the Awful Person Sundae.

I think you’re right...it just ignores the blinding contradiction of parental consent laws. If a girl can go to her parents for help, she will. She might not like it, and it might be super-awkward, but she will. If she can’t....well, goodness, there’s probably a damn good reason for that.

Pro-lifers only care that the baby gets born. After that, apparently God will take care of that teenaged mother and her baby.