Sure, but once they arm all these whackjobs, how will they make sure they only shoot the people they want shot?
Sure, but once they arm all these whackjobs, how will they make sure they only shoot the people they want shot?
They *want* the crazies to be armed. Then send them in to Houston, Austin, etc on Election Day. Point them at the polls.
They have carte blanche to go buy a bunch of guns... and then go start patrolling polling places.
No background checks either. Are you a felon, out on parole after a violent crime? Is there a restraining order against you protecting the ex-spouse or child you beat to within an inch of their life? Do you need a gun to commit an act of terrorism? Don’t worry, Texas has your back.
Yeah, that’s why they’re doing it.
Before the Insurrection, I wondered why conservatives had a stick up their ass about firearms limitations and regulations to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally unstable. After the Insurrection, I fully understand — they ARE the mentally unstable in whose hands firearms do not belong. The whole point is to put…
“What’s a safety? I didn’t have to go to that liberal gun training class!”
These dumbasses here in TEXASS cannot operate a motor vehicle, a boat, MC, skateboard, or shopping cart. Now they have carte blanche to walk around with a fucking firearm? HEB curbside, Costco delivery, and FAVOR for Feldman’s. I am good.
I appreciate the sentiment. You never know, if enough of the “non-allies” are gone, things might actually get better.
I don’t know that it was lying so much as that as the new relationship energy faded and they started to be challenged by the real work in activism, they found it easier rationalize away their earlier attraction and retreat from it all.
If I may make a suggestion, wait to shoot the white “allies” until after you shoot the “non-allies”.
You are clearly not familiar with Ziwe and her comedy. Note the incredulous look she gives after each and every question because she cannot believe these people are dumb enough to answer them. She is the queen of irreverent youngsters and this middle aged man finds her delightful.
But he really, really, really wants to be! So bad!
He was born in Schenectady, he grew up in Westchester, and he went to Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire for high school. He is very, very much not From Here.
I’m wondering how much the EU’s coming policy of only admitting vaccinated Americans will affect the suburban MAGAs who need to flounce off to Paris and Italy for the cred.
You could go into red states and tell every vaccine hesitant or refusing person that if they don’t get the shot, donations will be made in their and their towns’ names to BLM and Planned Parenthood.
I’m okay with the bribery from a pragmatic point of view (hell, one state is offering a lottery with five winners getting some huge sum of money) but honestly, I didn’t have to be fucking bribed to do the right thing/civic duty. It enrages me sometimes that some people demand free shit or money to do what they should…
Here in DC they’ve started going door do door to do vaccine outreach and convince hesitant people to get vaccinated. A friend is getting his second shot tomorrow and he got a text message from CVS about a partnerhsip with Lyft where they’ll give you a free ride to and from your vaccination (up to 20$ each way). I…