Flames Suspenders

As a field it seems very flawed because it is masquerading as a hard science but its inextricably meshed with human behavior. Look at all the nonsense happening with crypto, none of which makes logical, numerical sense.

I’m stuck on the fact that they take what respondents say at face value - or seem to. There’s no evidence that couples actually prioritize a woman having time to go to the gym, having the leisure time and energy to stay well-rested, or the money to afford childcare to do so, or that they put off or refuse

The rest of the comments - “How DARE you suggest that young women not profit off of their bodies using Twitch!!!!1!!11!one

Any entity that is this reliant on playing ball with advertisers with huge potential budgets invariably gets here, unfortunately. 

Like a year and a half ago, I thought Twitch had put a dress code in place. And yet now we have half naked women in hottubs, doing literally nothing related to gaming.

That was my initial take, but then I realized the GOP and Fox News have the Republican base so gaslit at this point you don’t need video of Psaki saying “abortion” for them to believe that’s exactly what came out of her mouth.

She speaks for the Administration, not herself. And saying abortion instead of pro choice gives the Republicans this talking point:

I believe that even US police officers die more often from a shot from their own weapon than another (if you include suicides).

Brace yourself, because they won’t stop until we’re back in the 50s... at the very least.

I really... can’t fucking believe that we as a country have reverted back to the fucking 70s on this shit. 

About a month ago I was present when a road train clipped a pole at a crossroads causing a wire break that dropped two sections onto the roadway. Two other cars stopped and between us we managed to block off the road a way back from the intersection. It was dark so we turned on hazard lights on all the cars and just

I’ve seen cops who have been on the force for years say their minds went blank the first time they finally had to draw their gun with the intent to use it.

Not sure about not picking up the feet, but the danger is this. In high voltage cases, 5000-10,000V, at some distance from the contact point the ground will be at, literally, ground potential (0V) In between that spot and the place where the wire is touching the voltage is dropping off.

Holy hell, how/why do these palace aides still have jobs? The brunt of the reason why all of this went down is because of their messy asses gabbing to the tabloids. Maybe if they kept it shut (or, likely, ignored any royal scheming to divert from bullshit) this wouldn’t be a thing and many of them would still have

It’s not owned by Murdoch, he has The Sun and The Times over here. Daily Mail is owned by the Rothermere’s an old aristocrat family. The current CEOs great grandfather founded the paper and was a huge supporter of Oswald Mosley the leader of the British Union of Fascists kept supporting them right up until just before

Let’s not even get into how Princes Andrew (paedophile) and Michael (literal traitor of the Crown) are not being asked to relinquish a damn thing. The irony is that if they dropped the Sussex titles bestowed on them by Liz, they would revert to Harry’s (unremovable) title by birth - Prince and Princess Henry of Wales.

Why are we still talking like Daily Mail is news?
They’re like the Fox News of British print!

Taking that 1A quote totally out of context, I’d still say he nailed it. Not to mention there are whole ass Americans, politicians no less, who still mangle and misuse the first amendment.

Dude has every reason in the world to hate his family, the monarchy, and the press. They got his mom killed. Count ourselves lucky he didn’t try to become Batman (I would read the crap out of that alternate reality comic).

Him and ALL the rest of the GQP and their supporters.