Flames Suspenders

Like a Q-Anon Cult SIMS Character: you can derive satisfaction from watching them pissing themselves and crying in a corner, after you remove the door to the room.

Less than 5% of gun deaths are due to self-defense, most are homicides, suicides and accidents.

Funny, because that gun just increased his risk of dying by gun violence 5 times more thank his unarmed neighbors. And he’s more than 10 times more likely to be shot by his own gun than to defend his home from gangs.

Especially now!

*raises hand*

Wait until you meet him.

Hoping Jason Schwartzman gets drowned during his Baptism (dude’s a narcissist who has coasted on being a Coppola since he was a d-bag nobody bullying background actors at his first gig in Houston for Rushmore, & none of us have forgiven him for his snotty antics back then)…. But Eric Andre is Awesome!

This is a mature and nuanced response to finding out that someone you looked up was also a person who terrorized and abused others. I appreciate that Jaleel didn’t give vacant platitudes or defensive statements about it, he just spoke from the heart it seems.

Pretty certain a lot of cows died for those Jolie Lips (ie, filler).

Yeah, just ask Chris Watts and Scott Peterson.

Guess that wasn’t in Daniel Day Lewis’s clauses?

I mean, even into the 1990s we had the “Jamaican” characters in COOL RUNNINGS with names like “Sanka Cola.” And these were characters based on real people who actually had their own names!

Fair point. It seems like I see it a lot more in writing these days, especially on blogs and in the media. But I can see it’s awkward too.

I’d love to consciously uncouple with Florida, East AND North Texas (cmon, have you see BERNIE? Texas is really 5 states & should probably just embrace that), Mississippi, Tennessee (but we get visitation rights with Dolly Parton!), Alabama, Kentucky (I’m burning Kentucky’s shit, like Mitch McConnell, on their front

Oh sure, I hear ya. I didn’t mean it was a mistake on Fisher’s part to chose between eating and integrity, I meant it was a mistake on the part of his bosses to put brown face on a white actor. Heck, the producers were probably patting themselves on the back for “including diversity.”

They learned their lesson from Joseph McCarthy: “let the demagogue destroy the country and destroy lives, but never speak out against him unless you want to lose political clout.”

People keep looking at these events and salivating about the Republicans “cannibalizing their own,” but all they are doing is shoring their defenses and doubling-down on the White Nationalism and fear-mongering that got the Tea Party and Trump into office in the first place. And coupling that with continued

Yeah, the Republicans learned from their time with Joseph McCarthy in the 20th Century: “sure, he’s a demagogue, but you can’t let a little thing like your conscience interfere with maintaining power at all costs.”

At this point, we might have to come up with a list of people who *haven’t* been in the MCU.

Well, not everything is liked by everyone. There are plenty of pieces of entertainment out there that are “just not my thing.”