Flames Suspenders

Yeah, I had to hang my brain on the clothesline for a while to get through their medication garbage; I mean when I wasn’t yelling at the TV “Well, she should have been fired for being a shitty nurse who doesn’t do basic safety processes, like check the damn label and lock up your scheduled meds in a safe!” But I still

Yeah, I’m glad he’s acknowledging the mistake and not trying to defend himself or scream “cancel culture” or “PC police!” All we can do is try to do better each and every day.

That tracks. Because Donald’s cheating never seemed to interfere with marriages… in fact, it brought him two additional marriages.

Ok, what is this from?

Yeah, I just realized it’s been over a year since some random creep told me to “SMILE!”

True, mama only raised someone who will be more than FIVE times more likely to be shot with a gun and more than TEN times more likely to be shot WITH HER OWN GUN compared to the general population.

As a Texan, (in lovely blue Houston, with Lena Hidalgo as our patron saint), I’d agree with you that CERTAIN RWNJ parts of Texas need to be excised like the cancers they are (and also Ted Cruz’s house).

All the blue states should respond by setting up legislation that says “anybody associated with a gun assault can be sued.” Gun shops, the NRA, anyone receiving money from the NRA, shooting ranges, truculent bumper sticker makers, congressional candidates who pose with guns in their TV ads, Ted Cruz (because fuck him!)

Certainly an ad befitting Leni Riefenstahl.

My dad, by the way, is white and this was the early 80s.”

Yeah, only people who are looking to confirm their negative confirmation biases against vaccines, AND/ OR received inadequate education on how to accurately read and interpret scientific data would come up with that conclusion.

Yeah, it definitely solves that “too many teeth problem.”

Yeah, but at least someone with some melanin and a couple of X chromes gets to bask in that good old fashion nepotism for a change!

If you have to explain that something is a joke, then it’s not.

So we only get timely release of body cam footage from a police shooting when it depicts a black youth with a weapon, but all the other cases we “have to wait” because it’s an open investigation??

Don’t forget the Ceftriaxone! 

I literally had to make the appointment for my husband. He’s not anti-vax, but seemed to get overwhelmed by the process & threw up his hands.

So this means they’d apply the same sentencing to Kyle Rittenhouse, right?!

They only post the videos quickly if they think it will excuse the murderous cop (like the one who shot a 16 y/o with a steak knife: which still wasn’t as exonerating as they think it is).

And thank you for your serious intentions to make the safest decisions for yourself and society.