Flames Suspenders

Absolutely. Me too. Wanna be alive long enough to keep the reast of medical science accountable (which they have been, for the most part... lately).

Yeah, medicine has a long history of excluding women from research trials out of convenience (even female animals were excluded through the early aughts due to concerns that menstruation would interfere with research data).

You mean how Covid itself causes weird and deadly blood clots? Along with 1/3rd of survivors being diagnosed with a neurological or psychiatric condition months later? Yes, I’ll still take my chances with the vaccine. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/04/22/coronavirus-blood-clots/

It’s good you’re not letting any woman off the hook, Linda. At the risk of sounding condescending, which I agree undermines these important dialogues, it seems like you live your life by the values you’d earnestly like to see in others.

Yeah, the judge was leaving bread crumbs for an appeal or overturn.

You’re absolutely right about Chauvin’s incompetence and culpability.

And he will get away with it, because America was built for shitty, entitled white baby men.

Because whether intentionally racist or unconsciously so, in the minds of cops, blacks are associated with violent criminals.

Not consciously, but our hidden brains are making all sorts of automatic assumptions based on gender, skin color, etc. These assumptions influence our behaviors and decisions whether we want them to or not. It’s a feature, not a bug.

My opinion is that the community is going to”... hold her accountable for her actions. There, FTFY.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant. And like you said: sorry for this lady’s certain PTSD, & for the re-traumatization of BIPOC everywhere from the coverage of these far too common events, but this is the way cultural changes happen rapidly, unfortunately.

“With great power comes great “Just live up to your own damn professional training and reported ethical standards, assholes!!” Because there’s literally no other profession that’s allowed to fuck up as severely and as frequently without established significant consequences. And that’s changing (albeit only because

That trigger-happy cop needs to be fired and prosecuted! Not only did he murder an unarmed suspect, but by shooting the driver, he turned the car into another dangerous weapon that crashed into innocent bystanders.

You can’t have anything “that could obscure the driver’s vision,” which many jackass cops have applied to air fresheners/ parking tags/ face masks, etc. Which is why I tell everyone, and especially BIPOC (oh who are we kidding, it’s only POC who get this treatment) not to hang anything from their rear-view mirrors.

Was I the only one who thought “this guy definitely spent his ring money on a trip to the Capital Insurrection”?

He managed to poke holes in some of the defense’s arguments with plain science, and may have gotten the jury to understand what Floyd endured in a physical sense when he instructed them to touch their necks along with his explanations.”

Especially in the communities with deeply-seeded “honor” cultures that prioritize masculinity and protecting one’s reputation above all else. These honor cultures are found more frequently in the south, in masculine sports like football, etc.

Where do I throw my money at turning Confederate monuments into toilets?!

Yeah, it just literally means “the heart stopped,” which is kinda the end point of every single death. 

Probably lots of missed opportunities for this guy to have gotten help...”