
My birthday is a few days before Christmas, and Barbie came out the year I was four. My father was sick that year and in and out of the hospital, and my mom was working nights in a restaurant to support us.

Good. I hope this has a serious ripple effect in indie film as well as my industry, reality tv. I have been very lucky not to have been involved in anything dangerous while on set, but the reality is (no pun intended) that in fields like indie film and low budget reality tv, people cut corners. That's fine if it's

Guy taken away "OH, so this is just a METAPHORICAL circle-jerk? My bad!"

And if I were to crush that mosquito with my wrathful and sweaty palm, it was meant to be crushed.

Still would.

I think it's "the man" who's behind the shoe racks, matching hangers, and what was it, a scent diffuser? What, my house doesn't smell nice and clean as it is? It's the same corporate entities who tell us our living spaces should look like hotel rooms and lobbies. Why? Where's the joy in that? There isn't, but you

Needs more stacks of notebooks full of terribad angsty goth poetry you wrote as a morbid teen.

Your mom.

This is how I feel about Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson.

Just because someone is good at playing 'make believe' it makes no sense to listen to their advice on life, health or how to be happy. Actors mostly have unhappy lives and dish out the least practical information, based on no formal education or knowledge. They neither spin nor weave.

I grew up in a lower-upper class family. Definitely took things for granted until I moved out on my own and realized bills only get paid when paychecks come in, which requires like... an actual job. Holy wake up call, Batman! Now that I'm mostly living off of my husband's impressively large paychecks, it's hard to

"Dollarama Zooey Deschanel" is my new band name.

I'm 27, and I realize I only have two "looks":

Bless their heart....

Who knew Hollywoods Scream Queen would grow up and write some of my (and my children's) absolute favorite books for kids. Today, I Feel Silly, It's Hard to be Five, My Brave Year of Firsts, Where do Balloons Go? All so terrific with the most entertaining illustrations. Thank you JLC!

I need Jared Leto to cut his hair Jordan Catalano style. It would really help with his current level of douchery.

It's nice to see this on a Gawker site, really it is, but the problem you're describing is at the very core, if not the core, of blog writing today in general. One could indeed call it the Gawker Syndrome. The obliviousness, the arrogance, the mean-spiritedness that you describe in your previous life as a game blogger

I think you just found a bug in Kinja,

I look forward to the game you'll be developing that will be absolutely perfect in every way. Let me know when you find a publisher who will fund your unlimited development cycle.