
I have so many feelings about this topic. (This pill is obviously a no-go, I already have bizarre hereditary low blood pressure so if I took this I think my heart might stop beating all together. And at that point you can also pry my glass of wine out of my cold dead hand). As someone who has experienced

Yup. I’m going back to school and got put on my department’s internship announcement list serve, and I’m all, “Nope. No thanks. I’m a mom, I do enough unpaid labor as it is.”

Most people stop doing group birthday dinners for adults once they have kids. But then you have to go to kids birthday parties and spend cash on presents that won’t be played with in a week. So.

Your husband possible fucking her is not the reason not to hire a young nanny. Their proclivity to quit with less than two weeks notice because they have an audition/want to go on a monthlong silent retreat/oops they forgot to take their meds is. 50+ grandmas from the Caribbean are where it’s at, yo.

Sadly this applies to almost half of the members of the Supreme Court.

I remember going on a tour of our future middle school in fifth grade and being told that the shorts all the girls had on (it was June) were too short for middle school. It is such a mind fuck that what’s acceptable one day on your body is unacceptable the next day. Our high school’s valedictorian got sent to

She looks like she could be the queen of the Real Housewives. Please let this be a reality TV crossover thing that happens. I’ve never watched KUWTK, but I would watch the hell out of that shit.

Not trying to doxx myself so gonna keep it vague, but a family member of mine resembles a famous comedian who has his own TV series. (Not really, but if you squint). People in elevators have talked about the show with him, he’s been chased down the street, and gotten restaurant tables without waiting. One time in

Chad Lowe. Amirite?

Cosign all of this. And then they couldn’t get my uterus back in because it was so swollen and while they were trying I lost half my blood. Ah, the miracle of life.

My venue came with a day-of wedding coordinator, not the same thing as a planner, but something I would have sprung for if the venue hadn’t included it. She made sure all the vendors knew where to be and that we actually got to eat at our own wedding, put the presents and cards in a safely locked storage room and got

The gameplan is to score points with socially conservative constituents in their home district. “See, I tried to punish the lady people for having all the sex, but that Muslim in the White House vetoed it!” Something along those lines. I think there were actually fewer of these bills put before Congress when Bush was

It’s a self-perpetuating thing too. As people leave, your realm becomes empty and there is no one to play with, so you want to leave. Sure, you can pay to move realms, but then you’re dumping more money into a game that a bunch of other people already quit. I was primarily a solo player and I still found the emptiness

It’s not just Louisiana. I went to high school in Georgia. After I graduated, they put stickers in the textbooks saying evolution is “just a theory.” Years later, I saw a Darwin exhibit in London that had a whole display about the difference between a theory and a scientific theory. And up there on the wall was my

Agreed. My son’s preschool teacher is neurotic and can’t handle the stress of her job. Watching the nasty way she interacted with my son was heartbreaking. Young children especially can’t be perfect all the time and if someone hates working with small kids, then they should do the kids a favor and find a different

When I was touring London solo I downloaded some walking tour podcasts. A lovely English man tells you what tube stop to get off at and directs you from there, pointing out sights and their history as you pass them along the way. Walking along like you know where you’re going instead of constantly consulting a map

There’s one I have to walk by in order to get to the actual subway. It smells like Listeria, yeast and abandoned dreams. I actually prefer the urine-soaked subway stair smell.

It’s become like Black Friday, which really is no better than The Purge at this point.

We took our kid to Disney World for his birthday this year, and one big bonus was that no party = no piles of crap he would play with once and then would endlessly clutter our city apartment. (And yes, I know I could put no gifts on the invitation, but people always ignore that. I don’t ignore it and then I feel like