
My cousin was a bridesman and my SIL was my husband's best woman. We just dressed/got makeup done with our respective genders.

She should sue to terminate his parental rights (it doesn't seem like she has yet?). You know, since he tried to murder her. The fact that they were unmarried may also help. And Dad should get the UK equivalent of a PO Box until then. Jesus.

simply scripts dot com I think.

Come on now. Last of the Mohicans. It's subtle but we all know what's going on under her striped skirt. Also, Unfaithful. Sexiest movie I ever awkwardly watched with my parents.

If only Che was capable of reading from a teleprompter. The SNL segments are getting painful.

I love the show The 100 for this reason. Some of the strongest, most kickass female characters on TV right now, but they are still bound by physics. When the 90 pound girl tries to take on the 200 pound guy hand to hand, she gets served. She has to learn a different approach.

If you read the original script you see they really improved his character arc (maybe once Cruise was cast and they realized they had to make it appropriate for a 50-something actor). I really loved that Cruise was willing to play a coward. And Emily Blunt was awesome.

Living in his own world - that describes my son. Like for awhile he will do what the other kids are doing in soccer class, and then suddenly he'll decide he wants to lie down on the floor, or leave, or climb over the soccer net. We've pulled him from preschool because it was conflicting with his nap and 3 hours was

Vogue has been trying so hard and so long to make Sienna Miller happen stateside that I can't help but think someone on her team has some serious dirt on Anna. She's blonde and pretty in a generic way, and has a penchant for married dudes. I don't get the appeal.

I'm so sorry this happened to you. I don't understand how a court battle can completely overturn someone's will like that. Isn't that the whole point of a will? Any Jez lawyers care to clarify?

When I tell my 3 yo he can't have wine he replies "But I'm a grownup!" Same goes for coffee.

Your toddler let's you watch things that aren't on Disney Junior? Lucky bitch. One time on a flight I got to watch HGTV for like three full hours because Delta had inflight tv and Flame Jr. had Frozen on my iPad. It was glorious. (A marathon of Love It or List It! God I love that snarky Canadian realtor).

That measles outbreak fucking terrifies me. Note to self, never go to California while pregnant because you might miscarry due to some anti-vac dipshit.

I watched Working Girl for the first time in ages last night on demand. Melanie Griffith was fucking fantastic in that movie. The topless vacuuming scene! Just hilarious and ballsy and not about to let some boring controlling guy handcuff her to shit. I feel like we have, as a culture, backslid considerably in the

As a mom, what terrifies me is that even though we don't keep a gun, there is the (admittedly very slight, given my location and self-selected peer group, but you never know) chance that one of my kid's friends could live in a house where the parents have an unsecured gun. Wanna come over for a playdate? Um, no


You rang?

Three words for you. "I regretfully decline."

My friend's niece died of the flu this year. She was 3. Who gave her the flu? Probably someone who didn't get a flu shot.

My mom ran over my foot with her car one year on Christmas Day. No one was drunk. My then fiancé had to carry me over the threshold of my uncle's house, past the dining room where everyone was seated for dinner (oh yeah we were late, as always). My aunt then proceeded to ice my foot in the pot that had just held the