Identical Twin Brother

Yes, her ex-husband was a therapist and worked for shield for a while in seasons 2 and 3 (I’m not sure if he was technically a SHIELD employee but he was around a lot). Simmons was actually in therapy with him for a bit after she got back from the alien planet.

- “You need therapy.” Truer words were never said. Why the hell S.H.I.E.L.D. never hired a therapist is mind-boggling.

That’s really more of a Daisy/Fitz thing than a FitzSimmons thing so I don’t have a problem with them not doing anything with it here. Also as DJ notes this Fitz has no memory of it so even if you have a Daisy/Fitz moment it will amount to a bunch of awkwardness as Daisy can’t really be angry with this Fitz and Fitz

I love the Fitz finds out about his marriage/death scene because you basically have Elizabeth Henstridge playing two scenes at the same time. You have Daisy/Coulson/Mack/Yo-Yo going through their grief and helping Jemma with hers as she sees Fitz’s body for the first time and Fitz learning about what happened to him.

I know you want this resolved. The show isn’t shy about revisiting flashbacks and consequences so it may still happen someday. This might not have been the episode to bring up the issue since it was so focused on just the two of them. Close, though, I grant you. Hopefully the show knows it needs a three character

I liked this show a lot but I agree with your critique. It does define Verdon in relation to Fosse much more than the opposite. Gwen has a long IMDB page, where she apparently took her agent’s advice and started doing a ton of guest appearances starting around 1985 and culminating in a couple of Emmy nominations for

Bob’s death scene with Gwen right there with him got to me a little bit. That was a great scene and one of many from that show that should be more than enough to give Michelle Williams many awards.

Fosse/Verdon, now that it’s over, was derivative storytelling camouflaged by smoke and mirrors, a confused point of view (It was still always more FOSSE than Fosse/Verdon), but anchored by almost uniformly excellent performances. Michelle Williams’s uncanny without caricature embodiment of Verdon is deserving of every

Williams was absolutely phenomenal throughout the series. Her Verdon felt real, complicated, and lived in. I don’t feel quite the same about Rockwell, who is unquestionably a good actor but who too often seemed to get saddled with writing that was "stand there pensively while we insert a flashback explaining your

You’re certainly allowed, I’m merely pointing out your issue is a silly one.  British intelligence don’t run around with guns, they don’t even have fucking power of arrest.

I think it’s obvious she shouldn’t be, but as the show has established, this is her boss’s project and appears to be completely outside normal protocols.

Didnt they say Eve is a British national who grew up in Connecticut?

Yeah, most of them would spend their time tracking grain prices in the Ukraine.  There are very few field agents, and there's no way they'd let a desk jockey like Eve draw arms in a foreign country

English people in general seem to think they’re much better at faking American accents than they actually are.

Heh, same. He’s supposed to be an intelligent character, who can more or less see right through people. Even if he had Villanelle pegged all wrong, he was intuitive enough to see she wasn’t who she appeared to be. I would have prefered if Aaron just called her out that her accent wasn’t very convincing.

I let this go for a while but todays episode she escaped a trained assassin by hiding under the bed.

The weakest part for me was Aaron. He never wondered what happened to The Ghost? And yeah now that he’s gone, what happens to the company and the data? Surely he’s not the only one who knows everything and how it all works. And as pointed out in the review, all that security and they let a random woman wander in and

Eve was strictly behind-the-scenes until Carolyn plucked her from obscurity. Sure, it’s completely irresponsible to send an untrained agent out to play with assassins, but Carolyn has kept Eve’s actions off the books—she’s not following the rules. Also: Out of the four members of their team, it’s the two who crave

I found it hilarious that Peel complimented V’s American accent as “Very precise” considering how truly bad it actually is.

Honestly that’s one of the less unrealistic parts of this show. The real life MI6 is mostly nerds, not superspies.