Identical Twin Brother

Why do you go out of your way to be so joylessly pedantic? You’re always jumping into these threads to ask why adults have visceral reactions to good storytelling when the obvious answer is that they’re enjoying themselves and want to share their reactions with the like-minded. Your mean-spirited condemnations are the

Totally agree on 4. The perfect season with 3 strong story lines. 

I think they are still in the guest star position still but their presence is welcome.

I’m kind surprised the showrunners aren’t just running with all the time travel in Season 5 causing a timeline separate from the movies. Alternate timelines are even canon within the show (the one where the earth shatters vs. the one it’s in now). Simmons line about almost regretting changing the timeline almost would

Yeah, I think that Fiege and the movie team didn’t tell the TV team about the five gap. AOS put a one year jump in in order to avoid having to deal with the snap but are now stuck in the middle of it (or in an alternate universe/timeline where the snap didn’t happen) because the movie guys essentially stuck both

4) SHIELD saved their public image in Chicago when they stopped Graviton.

Now, if only they could get dialogue that isn’t just about how much they’re getting on each other’s nerves.

The leading theory is that they didn’t know about the 5 year jump, so you’re spot on with them assuming things will just return to pre-snap times. Fits with how the episode was written and the communication wall between Marvel TV and Studios is a well-known problem. Sucks.

They are doing multiverse though.

There is of course the chance that there will be a pay off later, but I’m annoyed not to have even any lip service paid to Avengers continuity. I thought that was the whole point for delaying the premiere until after Endgame.

Nice to see Piper and Davis get promoted to the starting lineup.

We back baby!

IDK, I feel like a Monday Barry watch works - get to let any GoT ZOMG feelings peter out so that I can really focus on what’s being done so well in 30 minutes.

A lot worse is going on at 10:30 in the Veep slot. By comparison, Barry is completely believable

My take is that last week’s episode was largely metaphorical and meant to exist outside the rules about Barry’s universe that had already been established.

Man, anyone tuning out after GOT is seriously missing the fuck out.

Barry “choking” Sally during their scene damn near made me jump out of my seat the way it could’ve gone south so fast. Man, this show is good at messing with my emotions to an uncomfortable degree.

Dammit, Barry!

I was prepared for a bit of a let-down after last week’s episode, but the scene where Barry channels Moss’ murder in order to play Sam kicked it up several notches.

Hader won an Emmy for this show, like 6 months ago.