Identical Twin Brother

Good luck with that!

Politics Corner watched the Oscar-nominated documentary RBG today, and felt like that was a better topic than dissecting the minutia of the daily fight over the non-emergency. I knew Ginsburg was a vitally important figure in the fight for gender equality before she was on the Supreme Court, but I didn’t know the

Unfortunately yes I’d say MOST churches still think being gay is a sin and it’s still the very reason why I struggle with my Christian faith. How can a God who says it loves “ALL” except someone who wants to love the same sex? If you say you want to go to heaven and except him shouldn’t that be great enough?

There also is a huge difference between “welcoming” and “accepting” which is very troubling considering their history of gay conversion therapy. Yes, Hillsong“welcomes” everyone, in an effort to save them and “cure” their “sins.” Their “cure” for divorce is encouraging them to marry a member of the church. Their

Plausible deniability, many church’s will not publicly say anything anti-gay and will deny if questioned. But a quick google search will uncover what they truly believe.

It’s also telling that he’s equating LGBT lifestyles (which I don’t hold in a negative light and should not be considered sinful) with divorce, which is generally regarded as a negative and/or sinful thing. Just to be clear, I’m not saying that people shouldn’t be allowed to get a divorce, or that it’s not sometimes

yeah they helped a rich celebrity white dude through his heterosexual divorce to another white celebrity. They’re really sticking their necks out to be open to all!

I will admit I was in stitches at them making the very specific reference to David Miscavige’s wife Shelley (who in fact has not been seen in public since 2006)

I mean no one in sitcoms is exactly a comic genius. A show is always the result of a bunch of different writers, actors, and compromises with studio executives.
Tina Fey is simply a very funny person, who also has some blind spots.
For what it’s worth I never thought that the show portrayed Kimmy’s abduction as a joke.

Tina Fey is a grade-A white feminist and it really sucks that she can be much better but chooses not to be. Sometimes I wonder if her twilight years will be like the ending of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, but Fey in blackface doing an “ironic” minstrel show.

I like the premise of someone who missed out on adolescence and the last 15 years of the world. It’s a classic fish out of water scenario, but through the twisted lens of a horrible traumatic event.

It’s kind of hilarious to me that you talk about the old days of AV Club being calm and conversational in the middle of a hostile, over-the-top reply defending your choice to trash a show you haven’t watched in almost three years on the comment board of a late fourth-season episode.

Yeah, The President Show is the best Trump impersonation. Maybe it just didn’t work because in Kimmy’s alternate timeline he wasn’t the president.

In order to have an “interesting, complex discussion”, you have to understand the source material. It’s not that you don’t like the show. You don’t really understand what it’s about. Your enlightened critique of the show is that the main character is mentally ill and that the traumatic parts of the show that aren't

There isn’t any reason to skip this episode. The commenter seems to dislike it for their own personal petty reasons. If they actually approached the show with a critical lens they’d realise a episode discussing what could have been is absolutely essential writ large with ending this show.

I’m usually not a fan of “what if” episodes but I really enjoyed this one. I loved seeing Kimmy, and the other 3 (Mikey don’t count), all be themselves but in completely different situations. I would give it an “A” too.

I enjoyed it, but that’s all subjective. My guess is it was just an idea they wanted to do before the show ended, and they probably had a lot of ideas for what to do with it so with no time limit to deal with they just decided to put them all in there.

This episode was... way more unsettling than I thought an episode of UKS could be (which is saying something, as it can get pretty dark). And I really don’t think it needed to be an hour.

It was fun?

It did nothing to advance the actual story...” Can’t an episode just stand on its own anymore?