
“They are who we thought they were, and we let them off the hook.” That quote can apply to the Thunder in the last series and may apply to Cleveland after Sunday night.

This is beyond ridiculous. Just no. Once you start this type of intellectual gerrymandering, its time to quit.

Whether or not NPB ball is as difficult as MLB, Ichiro needed about 1,500 fewer plate appearances than Rose to equal his record, so you could adjust Ichiro’s NPB numbers for inflation and still determine that the hit record is Ichiro’s.

Starred the conversation here, in hopes that actual civil dialogue (especially from someone opposing views on the matter!) becomes un-grayed, instead of the steady stream of unfunny one-liners.

A hearty “LOL” directed at the indignant individuals slamming the Padres that have never done anything personally to help the disadvantaged. (I know that not everyone is all talk).

How many of the open looks for the Warriors were a direct result of LeBron cheating towards Curry than playing his man or stopping the ball on a break?

Why the fuck would they pitch to him? The best players being able to generate highlights? I mean, fuck, that comes close to making baseball watchable or even... gulp.... fun

As meaningless as the 2001 Mariners and 16-0 Pats. No one cares.

Like peeing in the pool warm? Or uncomfortably, humid, broken AC warm?

Oof. Either my sarcasm detector is way off, or you're grasping at more straws than Warrior detractors did last year (Curry never faced a healthy PG in last year's playoffs).

How's life?

How many seasons of Prison Break were there? And how many prisons were broken out of?

the “This league is fixed!” shouts may never stop coming from Oklahoma City.

It probably wasn't intentional in the sense that "I'm going to drive in and kick Adams in the beanbag" but I'm guessing a combination of flopping and frustration led Draymond to "react".

I thought these games were simmed? Didn't expect someone to play as Curry the whole game.

Unchecked pride evolves into swagger, a hypnotizing mask of insecurity that can and does compromise our ability to make progress and attain power. Pride stands in the way of forgiveness and a strategic approach to navigating a chessboard rigged to prevent pawns from becoming kings and queens.

But what is his K:BB when facing a catcher with no runners and 2 outs during a day game after an extra inning night game, on Mondays?

How, exactly is metacritic a crucial site? Talk about misplaced priorities.

But has he ever pissed off the protectors of old school baseball and unwritten rules with a dramatic bat flip?