
I love the end around used to re-circulate the stories that Univision execs voted to remove. Well played, Burke, well played.

I guess I’ll continue to save time by allowing Deadspin to recap the fleeting moments of levity and reasoned comments made on ESPN. It sure beats the alternative of watching anything other than live sports.

The thing is, these guys were awfully vocal in the days leading up to the game that they were going to make a statement. However, their statement became a rambling, incoherent run-on... much like my comment.

Fucking Obama, can find time to comment on Colin Fucking Kaepernick, but is silent about the growing calls for him to intervene, hell, at least give an opinion about the DAPL protests in Standing Rock.

For those of you unaware, a private security firm unleashed dogs and pepper spray on protesters this weekend.

Well, he's just been cut by the team that's been one of the best at harboring douchebags lately.

I missed virtually the entire Daniel Bryan era, and the writer has a good point, but missed a very tantalizing discussion: would the WWE be where it is today without risk-takers such as Bryan and Michaels?

Name a sound more relaxing than rainfall (not thunderstorms).

Which Deadspin story subject do you feel could pursue litigation and have a Gawker-esque judgment in their favor?

Random Olympics gripe.

The only thing better than this series is the inevitable complaints from Cardinals fans claiming its no longer funny.

I always wondered how those fetish sites remained in operation.

So... the solution is to attack the "enlightened" messenger, who is simply trying to impress on the hordes of mouthbreathers that don't understand the concept?

Best Front Office in Baseball

Best Front Office in Baseball

Brett Favre taking over for Majkowski and my dad swearing up a storm.

I don’t see any party in the wrong here.

While also taking flak for finding ways to rest those 4 rec leaguers throughout the season.

Las Vegas Double Down. I'm feeling that name a little more.

Are you referring to Davis, Adelson, or both, with this post?