
“Remember kid... success is about deception, denial, and distortion of universally accepted facts regarding head trauma.”

What's he to do when all of "his guys" flame out in the NBA because the triangle is a stupid fucking offense that only succeeded because of guys like Jordan, Kobe, Pippen, and Gasol.

Working in an organization like the UFC or NFL is a privilege, not a right. If McGregor doesn’t want to conform to the stipulations of his contract, he doesn’t have to appear on the PPV card.

McGregor is not bigger than the UFC, and is definitely not the driving force behind UFC 200. UFC fans and (fight fans in general) are looking forward to the card, with or without McGregor. Mainly, it seems the people getting worked up about McGregor’s absence are people that probably weren't buying the fight anyways.

So you're saying the Patriots were preparing for this ruling... It'll be fun to note how the organization publically responds.

Pretty simple (easy for me to say) blueprint:

“If they don’t need the UFC anymore—if they won’t kowtow to the UFC’s demands—that’s a nightmare scenario. If a fighter gains that kind of leverage, why, that might slightly detract from money the UFC could make! The horror!”

A few weeks back, after seeing a commercial for this movie, I commented to my girlfriend about how boring and bad the original was, and that I was surprised that they made a sequel.

Sounds like sorcery to me.

"An one-hundred-fifty foot section" - if you prefer.

How does Conor have them by the dick, anyways? If they don't give into him, sure they'll lose him in one main event, but McGregor is the one that won't be able to fight anymore, correct?

Woo! 2016 Olympics! Can't wait!

Three fights a year comprises at least 9 months of rigorous work in the gym. Add in all the promo appearances and that's it, UFC is their life. They're only break is the week or two of recovery following a fight. Which in most cases, isn't a very enjoyable break.

This is less about the money than his contractual obligation. I didn’t see anything in his comments that led me to believe he was trying to leverage more money out of the UFC...

As a Brewers fan, I get great satisfaction from this series, even if the Cubs happened to be the beneficiaries in the last two games.

I like that idea. I've been watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as well, and its hard to keep up with the big events that occur in the movie world that impact the TV series.

I didn't follow prior to Age of Ultron. Started to get into it, but realized there's 3 main lead-in movies (4 if you count the Incredible Hulk) to the first Avengers. These movies come out faster than I can keep up

I demand that every MCU movie come with a damn timeline, as I'm stuck trying to catch up. Was Capt America 2 before or after Age of Ultron? Where is Thor 2 in this? I'm even led to believe that somehow Guardians of the Galaxy are supposed to fit into the MCU...

Off topic, but as a Native American living on a reservation, why is "going too far off the reservation" a negative thing?

This will end well.