
I can probably name about two or three "legitimate" cocktails. Meanwhile, there are endless combinations of liquor + soft drink. Who really cares?

So... hearing racist taunts in person is fine, as long as its not broadcast to the TV audience?

I can't wait to see which team excitedly ponies up max money to bring in locker room cancer / contract albatross Dwight Howard next year.

Pretty sure the only black player I've ever heard of is on this list...

What about Columbian or Venezualan?

I assume the Clippers won, since they were up about 19 with 3 minutes left and they deployed the Hack-A-Jordan. Instantly switched to Family Guy and Impractical Jokers re-runs. That shit needs to stop before they drive away more fans.

Funny, I don't remember collision detection being so forgiving when I played Mario. I paused the video when he was jumping the plants coming out of the pipes. Definitely looked like they made contact. Saw him cut it close by the goombas and koopa troopas as well.

No one cares but sad old nostalgia buffs. Dude's last game was what, 70 years ago? Who alive gives two shits about it? There may be recency bias towards Kobe today, but there's also a large number of people that prop up ancient history and poo poo any recent achievement.

Yeah! Old people should know their place and STFU about annoying internet trends!

... its Jeremy, not Justin...


Fat People are bad and should feel bad.

On the other hand, I’m sure Pop was relieved that LMA was able to return to the game last night following that dislocated finger. Injury is a distinct possibility in these last three "meaningless" games, and talking heads won't hesitate to eviscerate Kerr should anyone in their rotation suffer so much as a sprained

I always wonder about the teams' reactions to "late" off season retirements like this. Were the Jets aware of his possible decision, or were they screwed because most notable FAs have already found a new team?

I think one of the reasons for the lack of coverage is that Marshall really has rehabbed his public image the last few years. This lawsuit may be seen as one of the last ties to the man he used to be, therefore there's no public outcry forming.

I don't care for Superman, and I don't care for a non-Bale/Nolan Batman. Superman is too powerful to craft a compelling story around him. I could never finish the 70s movies as a child, and last about 20 minutes into Man of Steel. Even Snyder's wish to turn him into an unapologetic murderer (which couldn't be further

There’s got to be a better solution than perpetuating the sham that is the NCAA. The kids going to college for football and basketball aren’t necessarily going for the education.

There’s got to be a better solution than perpetuating the sham that is the NCAA. The kids going to college for football and basketball, and to a lesser extent, baseball, aren’t necessarily going for the education.

There’s got to be a better solution than perpetuating the sham that is the NCAA. The kids going to college for football and basketball, and to a lesser extent, baseball, aren’t necessarily going for the education.